3/12 - 5/13 - Arrival of Demon's Souls


Shared on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 12:43

I got my copy of Demon's Souls from Play Asia earlier this week. I'll post my impressions after I get some time with it over the weekend. Barely scratched the tutorial last night, but visually reminds me of Oblivion (which is good) and playstyle like Diablo, but with more moves (which is great).


Additionally, I got my first Platinum Trophy completing Prince of Persia (2008 ) today as well. I came home from lunch with the fight combination list and finally managed to get the one or two I have not done yet. Overall a solid platformer, the Prince's voice (Nathan Drake from Uncharted) makes the character memorable. A solid 7.5/10. Some minor glitch issues on the PS3 at the very end of the game (stuttering camera when moving the princess at the Temple). Beautiful art direction. Collection mechanic simple enough to keep coming back for more.


ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 15:20
way to go and look for ward to your review.

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