Been a long time away...but it wasn't my fault


Shared on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 14:45

Well, techinacally...I guess it is my fault. Usually i write while on the company dime and since i work on a computer all day, the last thing i want to do when I get home is turn on my computer.

But anyway...on to the words.

That's it! I'm starting a club.
I have been absent from the blogosphere for a bit now due to work load and a lack of anything that I could say something pseudo-intelligent about. Today, I have cast off this particular insecurity.
WARNING: there is a 5:1 chance this will not even be 1/10th pseudo-Intelligent, I'm irritated and therefore you have been warned.
I have had it!! In fact, I am fed the fuck up with several things. Due to my disdain for these things and from my contempt to what I have observed, I have chosen to start a club. Club I Give A Fuck, or Club IGAF. Apathy and Inaction are not welcome in my club. Opinions, caring, passion, a sense of responsibility...these are just some of the tenets of my club...fuck that...Our club. Most of you here have opinions about stuff so you can join. Hell, times are so bad that I don't even care if you and I share a similar opinion at all. The point is that you give a fuck...about something other than yourself....So here's your Metaphorical tin hat, name badge, and membership card. OH! Selfishness and "looking out for number 1" are also not welcomed here. Didn't you see the fucking sign...wait, the signs haven't come in yet?...ugh...never mind.
  • I'm fed up with parents who are scared to disciple their children...or don't care enough to....or aren't around to.
  • I'm fed up with self serving individuals who use their talents to only further their bank accounts. Fuck you people especially!!!
  • I'm Fed up with Americans who sit around and just accept what is happening around them.
  • I'm absolutely fed up with the entertainment industry and what has done and is going to do to our (well..Your) children.
  • I'm fed up with people thinking they can do and say what they want without there being any consequences.
  • I'm fed up with people playing the Victim.
  • I'm fed up with a lack of consideration for humanity by humanity.
  • I'm sick of flag waiving politicians spouting accusatory nonsense about why this is that and who's to blame. Shut the fuck up and fix the problem, not the blame.
  • and Finally, I'm fed up with the Dutch. Ok, that last one is made up, just making sure you're paying attention. but seriously...the Dutch... WTF? Nice furniture though.
Here's the deal Friends, if you aren't outraged, you aren't paying attention.
Why on earth should a woman get the cops called on here for spanking her child when the child doesn't listen to her?
In the crazy place I was brought up, the 80's - 90's, it was perfectly acceptable to discipline your child so long as it didn't go over board. And to be honest folks, Violence, in some forms, IS the answer. Sometimes there just isn't any other way. Sure there is crossing the line, like cigarette burns and punching a child, but Spanking...Spanking should be an absolute requirement to raising a child. Even if you only have to to do it once. It probably HAD to be done. I work in the retail world and I see a WHOLE lot of people... adults, tweens, teens, and kids who spent FAR too much of their childhood in Time-Out and not enough time on the southern end of somebody's belt. I don't care if you agree with that statement, that's my take. The fact that you don't agree immediately grants you access to my club. YOU have an opinion, all you have to do is use it. You saw/read/ heard something you didn't agree with and chose to form an opinion on it instead of ignoring it. Here's your hat, badge and membership card. Welcome.
I'll say it over and over, sometimes, there just isn't any other way. Say you have some Dual-Popped Collar Frat Boy ass hat, making unwanted advances on your girlfriend/wife/sister/what ever? You think talking to him and asking him to stop is going to work? Unfortunately, a LOT of people think so. I say, Fuck that shit, punch him in the throat, kick him in the junk, and call it a day. And in fact, I bet he thinks twice the next time he is wanting to show off like that.
As for the burden of Apathy in this country...That's another topic altogether. And unfortunately, I'm not well informed enough in politics to go off on that. All I have to say is pay attention America. Be careful who you vote for, make sure it's who YOU believe in, not what Fox News or CNN tells you you should believe in. Think about this past election. How many people did you see wearing Obama t-shirts? Tons, right? Now how do you think the conversation would have gone if you asked that person to list ANY of his political views... *Crickets*.... Don't get me wrong, I don't care who you voted for, but make sure that YOU made that decision and didn't let someone else make it for you. As for the economy, that shit is out of control...if you don't think so, you simply aren't paying attention. One of my fears is that it will all be too late, things will have changed, rights will have been lost and the metaphorical building will have burned to the ground with all of us in it trying to figure out how the fire got started and who's to blame.
Entertainment Industry...TV. WTF? Seriously WTF?
How did we go from this...
to ...
and finally to this bullshit...
Again, WTF?!?! Thank you MTV for ruining an entire generation of children by telling them that the only way they will ever amount to anything is to be pretty, rich, and incredibly superficial. Fuck you...MTV, Fuck you. VH1, MTV's ugly sluttier sister , Fuck you too!
and...dear God...
It's OK girls, be as slutty and whorish as you want, you can always go on hell with your college education, self respect, and virginity.
But again, I don't care if you agree with anything I have said, I don't care if you disagree with every ounce of drivel I have show forth today. The point is that you have an opinion, and therefore are welcomed. I give a fuck. I choose to try and make a difference in what I do, how I behave, and who my actions affect. If you do not, you are not welcome, and frankly, need a spanking...fuck that, a Beating. because if you are one of those who doesn't give a fuck, you are exactly what is wrong with everything and anything. The Hills wouldn't exist if someone had given a damn, we wouldn't be in a huge economic pit if someone , long ago, had given a fuck.
We will be in a sad sad place very soon if things keep going the way they are going.
Whew...I feel better now...Told you at the beginning, don't care if you agree or disagree. The point is that you have an opinion, the point is that you are paying attention.
Cheers, and have a great fucking day.
Chet Chesterson


ChetChesterson's picture
Submitted by ChetChesterson on Fri, 06/19/2009 - 10:04
Yes, of course. Welcome. Your opinion is most welcome. But may I ask...what about when the toddler grows up and figures out that "time out" isn't that big of a deal? I guess my overall point is that as we get weaker in how we discipline children the children get more spoiled and used to learning that there are no significant consequences. This carries to the next generation and the next and so on. And I'm also not saying that they should get spankings for everything...but sometimes....sometimes, it is necessary. I was spanked, it worked, i'm a well adjusted member of society (somewhat). My kids will be spanked, not for everything, but if teh action warrants it, sure. But again, this is just my opinion, and I have no children. I was spanked as a child, I was grounded and had things taken away from me. But the things I got spanked for as a child, i promise you didn't happen again. yes pain might have been the motivator but it's also the reason that you don't touch the stove top when its on too. I can't imagine how difficult it is to discipline your own child, spanking them especially. But i would worry what i was turning them into in the long run. "sure i can shit on the floor and throw food at the neighbors, all I have to do is stand in a corner for 10 minutes.." But again...welcome. To each their own. your kids are your kids, but eventually they become adults and everyone else has to put up with them. Make sure they turn into the adults that people enjoy instead of ones they simply tolerate.
InfernalGiggler's picture
Submitted by InfernalGiggler on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 15:35
I got distracted after you said you were starting a club, but I'm sure it will be fun. Good luck with it bud I gotta go RE5 and ignore eveything else around me. :D
Cold's picture
Submitted by Cold on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 15:44
I've never seen Charm School, but now I will! Otherwise I completely agree.
Claude505's picture
Submitted by Claude505 on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 16:02
I've never liked Kate Gosselin... But, I just gained a little bit of respect for her. "I discipline them as I deem appropriate for the situation." Fuck the Hills and fuck the rest of the sheep out there.
InfernalGiggler's picture
Submitted by InfernalGiggler on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 16:36
@ Claude "fuck the rest of the sheep" really..animal abuse is uncalled for..
ChetChesterson's picture
Submitted by ChetChesterson on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 16:46
LOLZ @ Giggler! It's only abuse if you're too rough. Be gentle.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 19:20
@Chet... no... it's abuse unless you get permission... And is that sheep of age? as for the spanking thing... nah: you don't need spanking to disipline children. Timeouts are harder to do properly most people don't do them properly. Hell... I don't do them properly, but I try to get better. Spanking teaches kids to fear. While discipline teaches kids to self regulate... take away the fear reaction... all of the sudden they havet o make the right choice... it's not easy. As the discipliner.. it is freaking HARD! You have to keep your wits about you when your toddler is being a maniac... cause just spanking them will only teach them that action A causes pain. They fear the pain. They never get to "Action A causes action B. Action B is not fun. Hmm... I will not do action A." That is some pretty deep thinking for a toddler. As for being skany... I don't get it. You find it everywhere... women who feel as though being adored for being sexy is more important than being respected for other talents. I work hard to be taken seriously as a woman around here... this atmosphere of "it's better to be HAWT than beautiful, better to be SEXY than intelligent,, better to be a spoiled princess than a real person" makes it rough some days. But yeah. I give a Fuck. I give more than a Fuck. I give a million fucks. It sure ain't easy. what I am trying to say is... Can I join your club too?

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