Why Chet will lose his shit today...


Shared on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 12:38

So, i don't normally post two days in a row but i need to vent....in order to not wind up on the news this afternoon.

See, I have this pet peeve, and it's almost debilitating. My pet peeve is being interrupted. Not when I'm doing something, but when I'm talking...and especially when I'm answering a question or trying to explain something. Because of my job I have to deal with a lot of retail managers, who ALL do this. IT DRIVES ME BAT SHIT INSANE. Like, shit on my desk, set my cubicle on fire insane.

Pictured above: Chet Chesterson having a rough Tuesday

It's one thing to start talking right when someone else starts talking. That's normal, that shit happens. It's another thing to start saying something while someone is talking, completely cutting them off mid sentence. Remember that scene in Uncle Buck where John Candy is on the phone with his old lady and she is pissed at him? "But....well.....i........coul......bab.......i.....we.......hon...." That is exactly what my morning has been like with several different people...people I have to work with and will have to talk to again today. How fucking rude do you have to be to start talking when someone else is talking? Sure, if you are arguing or trying to make a point the other person isn't getting, these things happen. With these fucksticks it happens EVERY time, and we aren't arguing, they are coming to me for advice...so how much can I help you or answer your question when all I can say is "wel.....you......hold.........sto.......pleas.............real............he....." I have tried even waiting a few seconds before saying something because I know they aren't done. In the most recent conversation I waited 25 seconds, yes I looked at my watch while doing so. We both sat there silent, "well if you go....." and they fucking start up again. So the 25 seconds of silence was not the appropriate time to say something? The appropriate time was in the middle of me answering your question? Really?

That shit makes me want to break something.

My girlfriend says I am just overly sensitive to it, and that may well be, but it doesn't make it fucking right. And it's not just me, girlfriend, they do it to everyone...but for some reason more so with me. I have observed this in meetings and trainings. Some people are just ASSHOLES and must hear themselves talk at all times. I have people that I will not take calls from. I will send the call to voice mail and text them the "what's up?" can't talk over a text Mutherfucka! haha!



I feel a little less burny stabby right now, which is good, but I'm bummed because of the project I am working on, I will have to talk to these asshats again today. I challenge each of you to be mindful of this behavior, If you are one of these people who does this, please stop. You are driving completely rational people insane.

Pictured above: Chet Chesterson morning the loss of his Co-workers.

Be sure and tune into your local news tonight if you live in the Houston area.

"haha, fuck you allllll!!! hahahahahahaha!"


Cheers and have a great fucking day

Chet Chesterson




MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 12:58
I have thought a lot about this interruption problem as well as one other related problem. There are some people that when you are talking to them, you know they aren't listening to a damn word you say because they are already thinking of what THEY are going to say when it's their turn. I figure about 40% of the people you talk to are like this, and most people do it from time to time--myself included. It is this mentality toward conversations that leads to the interruption, because now you have some fuck who hears something you say and IMMEDIATELY crafts his response to it before you have even fully explained, and he is so fucking egotistical that he doesn't even feel the need to let you finish--he HAS to respond to you RIGHT NOW. Like I said--I see these traits in myself sometime and actively try to overcome them. But my co-worker is one of the worst culprits--you can actually see the point when he stops listening to your story in order to start crafting his own story, which may or may not be related to your story but something you said reminded him of it. He never listens to a FUCKING THING you say to him. It's fucking infuriating.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 13:00
PS the funny thing is--I started crafting my response to your post about halfway through the first paragraph. I did finish reading the post--but I had already decided how I was going to comment at the beginning. I am an asshole.
ChetChesterson's picture
Submitted by ChetChesterson on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 13:06
HA! thanks for teh Honesty Mr. TheKnife. I am both happy and sad to hear that there are others who share my pain. Thanks for teh comment.
omegamaximus75's picture
Submitted by omegamaximus75 on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 13:26
Have a few beers and get a BJ from your GF, the worries of the day will soon fade away....
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 14:02
Mike has this one nailed. People who interrupt like that really never heard anything you say. They focus in on a key word and shut your voice off while they construct a response. Its a dominance thing. It is often the difference between a good manager and a bad one. The good ones focus in on what is being said, so that they understand what response the person is really looking for. Is it someone to vent to? Is it someone to commiserate? Is it something that requires action? We've all had the bad ones where our year seems like one repeated conversation over and over and over...
EpicMK's picture
Submitted by EpicMK on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 14:25
I get being interrupted in general...yea, it sucks to talk over people, especially when you started talking first. However, I have a relative who is now SO overly sensitive to being interrupted, he flies completely off the handle, even when he's among a large group (table-full) of conversationalists. He will only wait until it is completely quiet before he tries to get a word in (he doesn't assert himself in the conversation at all), and if someone even reacts verbally to what he says, take cover. It's to the point where he'll talk about something the group discussed over an hour ago once he finally gets his "turn." Talk about being driven bat-shit insane...crossing my fingers that your pet peeve doesn't turn into an obsession even in group situations like his has.
ChetChesterson's picture
Submitted by ChetChesterson on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 15:03
it's getting close to that. I have hung up on people and then text them saying the phone dropped the call. I would rather email and text certain people and NEVER talk to them on the phone. I have gone so far as to tell one of my managers to not call me anymore and that he should only text or email me. He asked why, and I told him exactly why. In my explaining the "why" he interupts me and goes "i don't do that." I hung up the phone....

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