Midnight Release for Uncharted 2


Shared on Tue, 10/13/2009 - 07:15

Well I had my sights set on going to the midnight release of Uncharted 2 but, that was squashed last night. My 2yr old daughter decided she was going to try and outlast us and see who could stay awake the longest. She plays this little game of telling us goodnight, we shut the door & 15  minutes later after not hearing a peep out of her she is standing right next to me in the living room! I swear she is practicing to be a ninja. So this continued for HOURS. It doesn't matter what I do, sometimes she just doesn't want to go to sleep. The thing is, she's a daddy's girl. She wants to be with me all the time so if she thinks I'm awake and doing something she wants to be right there with me. Which I absolutely love don't get me wrong but, when it's time for bed it's time for bed you know what I mean? I set my alarm for 11:40 hoping I could get a nap in before I went out to stand in the cold waiting for the Gamestop to open but, she kept messing with us and when we decided to go to bed she kept coming in waking us up. Even scared the crap out of my wife at one point. Which immediately pissed me off because we had just fallen asleep for like the 3rd time. So I yelled at her and told her to go to bed. Walked her in and watched her get in bed. She knew I was mad because her eyes were the size of silver dollars. She didn't come out the rest of the night. I felt terrible. When my alarm went off at 11:45 (25 minutes from when she finally went to bed) I shut it off and said fuck it. I was to tired to drive anyway. So what does my daughter get for doing all this? She get's to sleep in because daycare is cancelled. She also gets to go over to great grandma's house because daddy has a phone interview today. And lastly, she gets to spend the day with her daddy. What a punishment for being a little shit right?!


Bet your ass she's going with me to pick up my game! XD And eat chipotle! See you later!


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