Shared on Mon, 01/18/2010 - 17:37Caught Book of Eli this weekend. Got to admit, Denzel is one classy dude. Throws money at the Fischer House like it ain't nothing and makes movies I generally enjoy. I really really liked Book of Eli. It didn't fare as well over at Rotten Tomatoes (46% rotten I think), but knowing the industry headquartered out there in the Peoples Republic of California, an action film with strong religious undertones is going to get crapped on. Well... fuck 'em and feed 'em freedom fries, I enjoyed it. Of course, it does take place in a world I've dreamed of living in so I am kind of biased. 2 things stood out to me: 1) people checking other people hands to see if they're shaking. 2) The big reveal at the end of the film. The first I sort of figured out on my own, the second made me feel kinda dumb, like you would feel at the end of an M Knight Shamalamadingdong film. The short answer on the plot that doesn't spoil it (not anymore than the trailers do) is that this is a story about 2 very different men's take on faith. If that sounds like it might not be something you want to see, it's also chock full of heads severed by Denzel's machete-esque short sword.
Now, for those currently residing in the Peoples Republic of Ted Kennedy. Get out and vote for Scott Brown. Call it a moment in history. First time in almost 40 years Massachusetts would be sending a Republican (or more importantly a genuine conservative) to the US Senate. Scott Brown is running against Martha Coakley. Martha Coakley is running against George W. Bush. If Coakley were as smart as the President thinks she is, she would know that former President Bush is a resident of the Republic of Texas and not running for the Senate in Massachusetts.
- MineMagnet506's blog
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Submitted by COULOW on Mon, 01/18/2010 - 17:40
Submitted by JPNor on Mon, 01/18/2010 - 18:44
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Mon, 01/18/2010 - 18:58
Submitted by killingspree75 on Tue, 01/19/2010 - 07:19
Submitted by PowerMacAttack on Tue, 01/19/2010 - 09:06
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Tue, 01/19/2010 - 09:51