Shared on Fri, 04/23/2010 - 06:50 We received the Hauppage PVR Tuesday, but we haven't had time to really test it yet. We did a quick and dirty test, VCR-style, from the set top box. That actually came out really spiffy. I can see that the rendering is going to be beastly. A 2 minute clip took like 15 minutes to convert to a WMV file. A capture of an S-video Halo 2 clip actually came out pretty good. That'll be embedded in tomorrow's blog.
One good piece of news was getting a call for a job interview with NanoTech up in Albany. Assuming I get the job, my plan is to get the cheapest studio I can get up there to stay during the rotational work week. I sure don't want to commute daily, if I can avoid it. I already have a bunch of ex-work mates up there, so I hope I'll be able to get some leads.
What effect that might have on the blog, I can't tell at this point. I've had the luxury of spare time; that might be in short supply once I start working again. My tentative plan is to take at least my netbook and try doing updates with that, depending on whether I can get an internet connection. It'll be a pain, but it's that or nothing. I'm not hauling anything up North. Nada.
Today's featured vid shows that World at War is still being played and played well. captcool420 starts off the montage with a three - almost four - man spray. After that is a Sandy Ravage SPAS-12 montage from both Xbox Live and PSNet. That shotgun is like a death ray when he uses it! The video also includes some serious "Death from Above" AC-130 action! Some YouTubers commented that the SPAS-12 is overpowered. Xmetal503Z replied: "The SPAS isn't over powered, Sandy Ravage is." On to the links:
- PCWorld: Guinness Book of World Records names Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 'Most Successful Launch Ever'. The game that launched a 1000 glitches. Maybe there's a Guinness record for that, too.
- Edge Online: Activision Expects More Infinity Ward Departures.
- LA Times Facetime: Activision Blizzard executive Thomas Tippl discusses Call of Duty's future. Most lawsuits? Most employees to escape from under the barbed wire? Most glitches? Oh, we covered that one already.
Wheres my round drum? Clips from 2 nights of WAW
Modern Warfare 2: Spastex-130
Uploaded 20 April by Sandy Ravage
First BC2 vid is a medic tutorial by UberHaxorNova with some great tips for playing well as a medic team-mate. If you're a BC2 single player fan & want to hunt down those pesky M-Com stations, two tutorial vids by Hayden Barnett are also embedded below.
- BASHandSlash: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC weapon balance and server tweaks. Guess they had to nerf the M60 to silence temporarily the complainers. Voodoo Extreme also notes that a fix is upcoming for the broken favorites problem. The weapon balancing is eventually headed to the consoles, also.
- VoodooExtreme: New ATI Preview GPU Drivers Boost Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Loading Speeds.
- Destructoid: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 requires almost 300 hours to reach level 50.
- Joystiq: Bungie expects 'upwards of three million' for Halo: Reach beta.
- Halo: Reach hands on: Ars Technica; Joystiq; IGN; Co-Optimus.
- Strategy Informer: Halo: Reach last Halo game for a decade or so. Source: Blue's News.
- IGN: Halo: Reach special editions.
- Kotaku: Video Games Have A "Prime Time" Too, You Know.
- IGN: Daily Fix for 21 April 2010 with the luscious Jessica Chobot. (YouTube version embedded below.)
- Joystiq: NYT: PS3 to stream live Major League Baseball games.
- Edge Online: Rumour: Apple Considering ARM Takeover Bid.
- Rio's Christ the Redeemer statue defaced.
- DiscoveryNews: Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) first pics of huge solar prominence.
- Joker961's blog
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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 06/22/2011 - 19:50
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 06/22/2011 - 19:50
Submitted by YEM on Fri, 04/23/2010 - 08:32
Submitted by Joker961 on Fri, 04/23/2010 - 17:27