Sci-Fi Science Season 2 Taping #3


Shared on Mon, 05/17/2010 - 06:08

I attended another taping of the Science Channel Series, Sci-Fi Science : Physics of the Impossible with Michio Kaku on May 14th, 2010. This was for the 5th and 6th episodes of Season 2, and featured "How to Contact Aliens" and "How to avoid Alien Invasion". I was there in costume for the tapings, and answered questions they will hopefully use on the show. There was a large turn out with around 50 Sci-Fi fans, with a few in costume. Like both previous tapings time they had us stand outside the building for nearly 2 hours and interact with confused passers by, and then tape the show and do the Q&A from about 2-5PM. Overall it was pretty fun, and there will be as many as 3 additional tapings this year. The Second Season is expected to start airing in November or December of this year. The next 2 tapings will be on Friday June 4th and June 25th from 12PM to 5PM, Contact me for details if you would like to attend.



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