Shared on Sun, 06/20/2010 - 08:23
Be good to your Dad! Don't piss Gungirl™ off!
Today is a travel day for me. In a few hours, I have to point my Jeep North for the work week. Tho I definitely feel better, my leg is still a bit messed up, so I'm going to take it as easy as I can. I'm almost packed. I just have to throw the shaving kit in after I use it.
Not sure how the updates will be impacted. I'm going to prepare, as best I can, a morning update to autopost while I'm at work. After that, it'll be a question of how crappy I feel when I wake up in the afternoon before work. Stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed, guys!
Featured Modern Warfare 2 Video
Muzzafuzza's Camping Discussion
Uploaded 18 June 2010 on MachinimaRespawn
No Call of Duty links today on an exceptionally slow Fathers Day!
Tejbz's 120 kill Quarry Deeptalk
Uploaded 19 June 2010 on MachinimaRespawn
More Gaming Links:
Top 10 Halo Reach Beta Invasion Kills: Episode 9
Uploaded 18 June 2010 on Machinima
- The Medal of Honor multiplayer beta: What it does right, what it does wrong.
- Blacklight: Tango Down hands on impressions from Just Push Start.
- Halo: Reach previews: Kotaku (eyes on).
- Portal 2 eleven minute (!) E3 gameplay demo.
- Rage E3 dem gameplay recorded from live feed.
- Kotaku preview: Dance Central (Kinect).
- Kotaku GoldenEye multiplayer preview.
- Xio Control harness 'arms' you for action.
- GamesRadar E3 2010 Awards.
- Top 11 videogame trailers from E3 2010.
- Capcom: Nintendo 3DS a major threat to the PSP business.
- Bridging the 'casual-hardcore' gaming gap.
- BASHandSlash's live 'Crosshairs' FPS talk. Livecast to begin Sunday, 20 June 2010 at 1700 EST.
- GamesRadar E3 Booth Babes gallery.
Non-Gaming Links:
- Apple quietly goes after Mac Trojan with an update.
- Ten fun facts about Google.
- New Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D trailer. (YouTube version embedded below.)
- Joker961's blog
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