Links (Travel Edition)


Shared on Wed, 07/07/2010 - 11:00

(Clipped & pasted from my gaming blog)


What is up with GungirlTM Michelle Rodriguez dying in TV and movies all the time?

    This Vent is brought to you by the magic of's scheduled posting. If some earthshaking gaming news comes out - if Fourzerotwo gets hired by Respawn Entertainment, if Roger Ebert joins Captain Price in reviewing Blacklight: Tango Down on release day ("Two thumbs up: One from Captain Price, one thumb up Ebert's ass!"), or if Gabe Newell drops his Cheetohs bag and gives a press conference announcing Half-life 3: Electric Boogaloo - I can't report on it. I'm trundling up the Thruway to my new apartment and another crack at my new job. I'm hoping that the frackin' pressure stockings hold my leg together thru the next three days.
    Bear with me, too, if the blog and links are skimpy the next few days. I'm still trying to get my act together, schedule-wise with the new job... Moving on...


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