Man, it's great to be home...


Shared on Mon, 08/02/2010 - 06:50
GungirlTM Martina Fox shows us
some more of her well filled hotpants...

    The visit to Mom at the St. Francis rehab unit went very well yesterday. Except for the bruising from the blood thinners, Mom looked pretty good. She's going back on an IV today, tho, as her kidneys are ailing again. Hopefully, it's just temporary, as physical therapy must be tough with an IV attached. I'm going back to see her this afternoon...

    Not much in the way of gaming news, CoD-wise. Most gaming sites are reporting and re-re-reporting the 'news' about the Prestige and Hardened editions of Call of Duty: Black Ops. AFAIK, except for the bare fact that there'll be such editions, there isn't any news content. But it's the nature of the gaming media news that the same story is flogged for all it's worth - and then some.
    And, speaking of floggings, I have intentions of going online for some gaming tonight. After I get home from the hospital, it should be early enough that I can man up for some more asskickings on Blacklight: Tango Down free-for-all. ;-) Moving on...


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buckeye75's picture
Submitted by buckeye75 on Mon, 08/02/2010 - 07:26
I see nip
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/24/2010 - 01:17
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Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Tue, 08/03/2010 - 05:58
@buckeye75 Oops. Didn't see that. Sorry about that.

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