I'm late! I'm late - for a very important date!


Shared on Wed, 08/04/2010 - 05:25
Pouty GungirlTM has lousy trigger
disicpline - but smokin' stiletto heels.

    Well, another weekend has come to an end for me, and I'm burning rubber for Northern climes to resume my labors. It's a three-banger work week this time, Weds-Thurs-Fri, so Reibo will be manning the ramparts and keeping the Timmies out of the wire at the HQ.

    I might have to forgo Thursday's blog, as I have some scheduling conflicts, and I don't have time to cook up a whole blog in time for the day. With luck, I'll resume normal blogging in time for Friday, if the worst happens. I might just post a blog entry from work (tho not a link fest, as usual) to fill in the blank, so to speak. Stay tuned.

    I noticed something my reaction to today's news link about THQ criticizing the CoD franchise: It feels OK if a CoD fan disses CoD, but it rankles when an 'outsider' does it. It's like the military: Every GI complains and bitches about Uncle Sam. But let a civilian do that shit in a GI's presence and the civilian's likely to get a blast of traditional GI profanities to tell him to STFU unless he's served.
    Today's featured vid is Sandy Ravage tearing up a Free-for-All match on Wasteland. No boosters in this one - they're all just targets for Sandy Ravage If you want a textbook example of how to dominate the living crap out of the yahoos in MW2 FFA, look no further. Watch how he makes a kill, and then he anticipates the likely approach of the next who saw the gunfire dot flash on the always on narc radar. It's a short and sweet vid, and it's made all the sweeter by the douches ragequitting at the end of the match. Moving on...


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