One work night down, three to go...


Shared on Thu, 08/12/2010 - 07:23
 GungirlTM Silvie Thomas has no clue what she's
pointing that Glock at...

Mom's still in the medical unit. No new news, as this blog is being prepared ahead of time for autoposting. I hope to call her this afterlunch and see how she's doing. It's tough being away from home when she's sick.
This week, I bought a used Kindle from Matt64, and I must say I'm impressed. I've started re-reading Band of Brothers by now somewhat tarnished historical writer Stephen Ambrose. I enjoyed the book and TV mini-series greatly in the past, and I'm reliving that joy now electronically. I had initially scoffed, but the book-like experience is amazing. I found myself occasionally reaching out to physically turn the page, so I think that officially makes The Kindle a hit with me.
Today's featured Modern Warfare 2 vid is a dual MP5K commentary with F1sTDaCuFFs and Nasa. The secondary vid is a GameTrailers Pop Block analysis of the Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer teaser. It's pretty exciting that the multiplayer beta is almost upon us, if the title card at the conclusion of the demo is to be believed. I'm planning on playing as much as I possibly can and reporting as much as I can about the experience. Maybe I'll get ambitious and record some of my less than stellar gameplay on the beta, too. We'll see. Moving on...


Featured Modern Warfare 2 Video
MP5 dual w/Nasa By F1sTDaCuFFs

Uploaded 7 August 2010 on MachinimaRespawn


Call of Duty Links:

Black Ops Trailer Pop Block
  • BASHandSlash Crosshairs 8 discussion on the following:

    • The new generation of community managers and communicators from Treyarch, Dice and Infinity Ward along with their, seemingly, new focus on community involvement.
    • The latest beta of the Galactic Star Wars Mod from Blackmonkeys and it’s appreciation by the community along with it being noticed by Fourzerotwo the community Manager from Infinity Ward.
    • California’s attempted crackdown on video game violence
More Gaming Links:

Top 10 Halo 3 Kills of the Week

Uploaded 10 August 2010 on IGN Entertainment
Non-Gaming Links:


YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Thu, 08/12/2010 - 10:27
I do believe there will be a BO demo (treyarch even hinted at it) It would be stupid not to have something out there before release after the mess that was MW2. It definitely won't be a true beta though.... more of a demo. Still, I want this game now!!!!!
Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Thu, 08/12/2010 - 13:20
@YEM Yeah, the link that put the beta date of 1 September was from PRNews: Whenever it comes out, I hope to be all over it like a cheap suit. ;-)

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