Shared on Sun, 08/15/2010 - 08:33
Don't have a pre-cooked Vent this AM. I usually like to have several blogs mostly complete with non-time-critical links on them already plugged in, but Mom's hospital ordeal and my work schedule precluded me from doing that. Mom's doing better now, and we hope that she'll be placed into a local physical rehab facility this week. So, forgive the brevity of today's entry. I'll try to get things more up to speed this week, schedule permitting.
Today's featured Modern Warfare 2 vid by jx23 is a series of decidedly WTF? moments while playing MW2. The quirks of online gaming seem to have even more of an impact on the Call of Duty series, especially MW2. The second vid is Episode 21 of GameplayUnited's continuing series of lucktages. Moving on...
Modern Warfare 2: Seriously? - Episode 8 by jx23
Uploaded 12 August 2010 on MachinimaRespawn
- Will Zombies make Call of Duty: Black Ops bigger than Modern Warfare 2? More selling points might translate to bigger sales, all other things being equal.
- KokuGamer's Pot Calls the Kettle Black item: Vince Zampella thinks reviewers should 'finish games'.
Uploaded 13 August 2010 on Machinima
- BASHandSlash links GameTrailers' Medal of Honor 'Tier 1' preview video.
- Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine preview: GamePro; GiantBomb.
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution first gameplay trailer and screenies.
- GamesRadar's StarCraft II Tip o' the day: The Baneling Bust.
- QuakeCon: Id releases source code for Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.
- KokuGamer infographic: The Rundown on PC Gaming.
- Nvidia reports $141 million loss for Q2 2010.
- An 'English lesson' regarding BioShock Infinite.
- No cheering from the press box and other lessons game journalism needs.
- Citizen-scientists make first deep space discovery with Einstein@home. Or their PCs did it, anyway...
- Huge solar storms spark huge aurorae [pics] (or is it auroras).
- Belgium to 'green the dead' by liquefying corpses. Didn't we see that in The Matrix already?
- Inception and the neuroscience of sleep.
- Why e-readers like Amazon's Kindle will soon cost less than $100. Because I just paid $175 for mine, of course.
- Why AT&T's iPhone wi-fi sucks in NYC and San Francisco.
- Rupert Murdoch to launch digital newspaper aimed at iPod generation. Except - Timmies don't read, do they?
- Joker961's blog
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Submitted by Fish66 on Sun, 08/15/2010 - 14:58
Submitted by Joker961 on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 06:42