Shared on Fri, 08/20/2010 - 10:51Well it's been quite a week here for ol'TANK.
First my blog has crossed over the 100,000 views which is pretty sweet. Now the 4th blog on the site to hit this milestone, also the 4th most popular blog on the site and usually sits in the top 5 for most popular blogs of the month. Pretty good stats, i try and post up monday thru friday before noon eastern so my blog is updated by lunch time for all time zones.
Second 100,000 milestone this week is i've crossed the 100,000 gamerscore mark. In august I did some power achievement whoring and so far i've posted up 7200 gs. My completion percentage around 88%. Plenty of people are over the 100,000 mark on Live for sure but typically you'll see they only get 500ish points in each game and move on. Unless i really hated the game, I aimed for 800 points minimum and looking back over my history there are a few notable titles bringing down my percentage like Perfect Dark Zero and the fist Viva Pinata, Jumper and Gears for Windows (though i have no excuse for this one). It's been a fun ride, not sure if i'm going to retire from whoring now but we'll see. With only two titles i'm interested in between now and 2011, not much opportunity there for more points. But these lulls are usually when i whore the most.
Anyway on with todays headlines
new CASTELVANIA game releasing oct 5th
mysterious HALO REACH website released onto the Internet with countdown
CRYSIS 2 multiplayer footage
250gb XBOX360Slim drives for sale @ gamestop
NEVERDEAD announced for xbox 360 and PS3, screens inside
XBOX 360 wireless black controller 29.99
- TANK's blog
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Submitted by Gatsu on Fri, 08/20/2010 - 11:09
Submitted by TANK on Fri, 08/20/2010 - 11:21
Submitted by Buzz on Fri, 08/20/2010 - 18:00