Sci-Fi Science Series airs September 1st at 10PM EST


Shared on Wed, 08/25/2010 - 08:24

The second season of Sci-Fi Science : Physics of the Impossible with Michio Kaku (now a Honorary Friend of the Legion) begins airing Wednesday September 1st at 10PM EST on the Science Channel. They will be started off with two new episodes (Earth 2.0 and Galactic Colonization) followed by a new episode each Wednesday at 10PM and a repeat of the previous week at 10:30PM. There is also a Marathon from 12PM to 5PM EST this Sunday August 29th of the entire first series. The 501st attended both season, and there will be a Stormtrooper (That would be me) in every episode this season.

Also, one of our fans Tim Young did a re-edit of our Honorary Friend award presentation that was very cool. Please check it out here...



FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Wed, 08/25/2010 - 10:37
I wish I got the SyFy channel...stupid Comcast not letting me add a couple of channels without making me buy a $35 per month upgrade that is full of fail channels I don't want in order to get 3 that I do want...

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