Shared on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 06:19 Mom was able to walk a few steps yesterday, as well as do a bit of work on the parallel bars, using their support to shuffle her way back and forth. I'll be going back to see her this AM. Dr. Anti-House was extremely pleased with my progress. I've dropped over 50 pounds since my first visit at the end of May, and I'm determined to get off my pills. He nixed any drinking, tho. On the bright side, he gave me a scrip for some more blood tests for the next visit in 3 months. The goal, as I understand it, is to see whether my blood sugar, bad cholesterol, and lipid levels have improved enough for me to get off all the damn pills.
It's a decidedly slow news day for Call of Duty items. The sole item is actually more Reach related, since it's VGChartz's infographics on how Halo: Reach is pulling out ahead of both MW2's historical pre-orders and Call of Duty: Back Ops' current pre-orders. Today's featured Modern Warfare 2 vid is a 'how-to-be-stealthy' vid by TetraNinja. The second vid is a classic WTF moment of CoD4 by Junkyard129. It's the kind of weird lag thing that makes you suspect that the other player is running some kind of God-mode hack. Moving on...
Tips on How to be Stealthy Like a Ninja: Salvage TDM Vector
Uploaded 26 August 2010 by TetraNinja
- VGChartz: Halo: Reach pre-orders ahead of Modern Warfare 2's history - and well ahead of Call of Duty: Black Ops current pre-orders.
Uploaded 30 August 2010 on MachinimaRespawn
- Halo: Reach armor effects detailed.
- Microsoft selects celebrity Reach team leader.
- GamingBolt op-ed: Halo: Reach: Revolution or Evolution? How about: 'More of the Same' or 'Halo 3.1'?
- Latest Medal of Honor multiplayer trailer enough to tempt pre-order. Article doesn't say whether the temptation is to order Modern Warfare 2...
- Gearbox shares details of Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition.
- StarCraft II to get unofficial iPad control app. Play StarCraft II with the iPad as a touchscreen controller.
- Xbox Live Gold subscription price increase, starting 1 November 2010. Of course, the timing has nothing to do with the 9 November 2010 release date of Call of Duty: Black Ops, right? Here's Major Nelson's posting of the official announcement.
- How to save money on your Xbox Live membership before the price increases.
- EEDAR (EEDAR - Electronic Entertainment Design and Research) analyst Jesse Divnich responds to Xbox Live Gold price increase.
- Kotaku's History of Headshots.
Non-Gaming Links:
- NASA working on trip to asteroids. O RLY?
- Dinosaurs 'wiped out by meteor shower lasting thousands of years'.
- Mummified WWI soldier found in glacier.
- ChatRoulette still full of dicks.
- R. Lee Ermey (aka 'The Gunny') has launched a 'Digital PX' where you can buy GPS voice skins for Garmin and TomTom models. Imagine being given directions by The Gunny! "Prepare to exit on the right, maggot!"
- Joker961's blog
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Submitted by H2Daddy on Tue, 08/24/2010 - 08:21
Submitted by CMA on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 09:02
Submitted by Joker961 on Tue, 08/24/2010 - 19:31
Submitted by Joker961 on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 05:55