Tuesday... Last day before work...


Shared on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 06:19
GungirlTM Silvia Saint wields her folding stock AK-47 in her cut-off tee...

    Mom was able to walk a few steps yesterday, as well as do a bit of work on the parallel bars, using their support to shuffle her way back and forth. I'll be going back to see her this AM. Dr. Anti-House was extremely pleased with my progress. I've dropped over 50 pounds since my first visit at the end of May, and I'm determined to get off my pills. He nixed any drinking, tho. On the bright side, he gave me a scrip for some more blood tests for the next visit in 3 months. The goal, as I understand it, is to see whether my blood sugar, bad cholesterol, and lipid levels have improved enough for me to get off all the damn pills.

    It's a decidedly slow news day for Call of Duty items. The sole item is actually more Reach related, since it's VGChartz's infographics on how Halo: Reach is pulling out ahead of both MW2's historical pre-orders and Call of Duty: Back Ops' current pre-orders. Today's featured Modern Warfare 2 vid is a 'how-to-be-stealthy' vid by TetraNinja. The second vid is a classic WTF moment of CoD4 by Junkyard129. It's the kind of weird lag thing that makes you suspect that the other player is running some kind of God-mode hack. Moving on...


Featured Modern Warfare 2 Video
Tips on How to be Stealthy Like a Ninja: Salvage TDM Vector

Uploaded 26 August 2010 by TetraNinja

    Call of Duty Links:

Junkyard CoD4 WTF Moment

Uploaded 30 August 2010 on MachinimaRespawn

    More Gaming Links:

Halo: Reach Beta: 3v3 On OverLook by GrievousRocks

Uploaded 30 August 2010 on MachinimaRespawn

    CVG has completed its extensive 3-part preview of Halo: Reach. Part One links directly to Part Two and Part Three.

Halo 3: One of the Best Splatters EVER!!! by System

Uploaded 30 August 2010 on MachinimaRespawn

BOOM! Headshot!

    Non-Gaming Links:

Lock N' Load With R. Lee Ermey: Rockets to Rockets

Uploaded 5 August 2009 on History Channel



H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Tue, 08/24/2010 - 08:21
I am debating on getting a Kindle or an iPad. Not sure which if any I really need. Nice to see your take on the Kindle.
CMA's picture
Submitted by CMA on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 09:02
Don't you know blogging about Ermy is a bannable offense?
Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Tue, 08/24/2010 - 19:31
@H2Daddy There are multiple models of the Kindle, and there appear to be waiting periods for all of them because of high demand. I think the bells and whistles mostly involve the Whispernet wi-fi functionality that lets you download books you've ordered wherever Amazon has that coverage. There's also one with a larger screen that costs about $150 more than the base model (which i think can be backordered on Amazon for around $135 plus shipping). The Kindle I own is 2nd generation with a 6" screen; with variable text font size, it's big enough for my reading needs. (Unfortunately, the menus with the list of books has a fixed size, a distinct disadvantage for folks with poor reading eyesight.) It has wi-fi for downloading books, but I figure when I download, it'll be when it's connected to my PC. The previous owner said activating the wi-fi tended to run down the battery. Battery life is great, otherwise. I usually only charge it every couple of days. A long day of reading only drained the battery about 25% for me. The electronic ink doesn't use any power to display text, only to change it. (In fact, when it sleeps, the Kindle displays a neat cover image, like a line drawing of a famous literary figure.)
Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 05:55
@CMA What? You serious?

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