Are you "Anti" anything?


Shared on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 12:19

Are there things you just refuse to do, eat, listen to, watch, drink, that the populous says you should be doing? For me it's the Fist Bump...or "dap" for those who are "down with it." I won't do it, I leave my co-workers hanging all of the time. In fact, I can count on one hand the amount of times I have had to do it in the last 2 years...and by had to, I mean someone with authority over me offered and I could not leave them hanging, i.e. my boss, and the other time, her boss. Other than that, there have been maybe 1 or 2 more times where someone caught me off guard while drunk.

So ask yourself, are there things you straight up don't agree with and refuse to take part in? I have a friend of mine who firmly refuses to watch anything on MTV or VH1 regardless of content. It's out of principle for him because of what they are doing (done in his words) to society.

When someone propositions me for a "bump" it makes me feel as though I am being forced to conform to what pop culture says is cool. Now, I'm not one of those bullshit, ass hat EMO kids who feels that conformity gets in the way of the razor's edge. I am someone though who tries to live by example. My example, don't do things you don't want to. Period. I know a lot of people who feel similar regarding High Fives, Hugs, watching Parker Posey movies (sorry, that's me again. Bitch has been on my Death Pool for 5 years now, come on already!!)

To make things that our President is "hip" and not a mentally arthritic's become even MORE popular. I see it everywhere. I shake my head and inside my mind yell "SHEEP!" Don't believe a google image search for "Fist Bumb" (make sure safe search is turned on) and you'll get at least 3 of these.

Sigh....God Damn it. This was almost as bad as when he "brushed the haters off"......Really?

But I digress...this isn't an Anti Obamma posting....I leave that to those who give a fuck. To me its a "run down the clock" kind of situation. He won't get reelected so it'll be some different asshole next time...probably a woman (which is not to say that a woman couldn't be president) since the democrats and republicans have no shame about trying to out minority each other. But like I said, this isn't about politics. Frankly I couldn't give two shits either way.

This is an Anti Fist Bump posting....and matter of fact this is a Pro-Anti posting. I'm FOR you being actively Against something. We all have our thing...whatever it may be. We're supposed to... as free thinking evolved humans. The point I am trying to make is that we should all stick to our guns and be vigilant in not letting the populous compromise our beleifs...whatever they are. So for me, Chet Chesterson, the small battle I will wage with great passion and furious fervor will be to deny every Fist Bump that comes my way (and to never watch a Parker Posey movie...including Dazed and Confused which makes this one even harder to follow).

So gentle reader...what metal are you cut from and what is the measure of your mettle? What codes do you have and are you strong enough to stick to them? For the sake of all that is right and good, I hope that you are. Otherwise it will all come crashing down...and what IS will be decided by people like this.

This is more of a dig at Jersey Shore and the televised trash within....and not an Anti-orange people statement.


God Help us all when that happens. Matter of fact and point of clarity...I am of the mindset that people are paying less and less attention to their own beleifs and standing up and saying "bullshit" when needed. How can this be measured you ask? Simply turn on your TV...your radio.. there are how many Twilight books? See if a publisher had stuck to his guns, Stephanie Meyer would have gone home with a black eye and a bruised ego rather than a publishing deal that afternoon. That fact that I know her name is proof that somewhere, They are winning. And who's to blame? We have no further place to look than in a mirror. Oddly, the solution lies in the same place, you just have to know how to recognize it.

Think about your codes...your inner thoughts...are there any you compromise? Are there any you don't? Do you encourage others to stick to theirs?

Just something to think about as you maneuver through your day.

Cheers and have a great fucking day,

Chet Chesterson

Charter member and active leader of the Anti-Fist Bump movement.....and co-founder of the Kill Parker Posey movement.


Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 13:45
I'm anti Justin Beiber. seriously she could atleast grow some boobs cause she can't pull off the flat look. While it was pretty mean of her parents to name her Justin, I get it, you wanted a boy...but she could have changed it when she became famous. I'm proud to say I have never heard one of her songs.
ChetChesterson's picture
Submitted by ChetChesterson on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 13:47
What the shit is a Justin Beiber?
Cold's picture
Submitted by Cold on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 14:26
I'm anti-kangaroo, natures most feared fist bumper.
Criamond's picture
Submitted by Criamond on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 14:39
I thought you were gonna say you were Anti-Obama, and I was right there with you... until I started reading.
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 15:05
I refuse to east fast food Mexican out of principle because it is a downright travesty. You will never find me at a Taco Bell, Del Taco, Tacomaker, etc, etc. Taco carts, while fast, are authentic enough that I am ok with it. Not, however, anything from one of the big chains. As an aside, there are also a number of "Mom and Pop" type Mexican restaurants I also will not eat at. If your names are Bob and Shelley, and you own a Mexican restaurant, even though the closest you ever came to actually being in Mexico was on a Carnival Cruise line, then yeah, I'm not eating in your fucking Mexican food restaurant. If you own a Mexican restaurant, but don't serve Cerveza, or bury everything in cheese, then I am not frequenting your establishment.
Foxytrot's picture
Submitted by Foxytrot on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 19:19
I am Aniti-Body Shop. I once watched a documentary on this "natural spa" & beauty products store. When the owner talked about how they had gone into South American rainforests for natural products, I was okay...but then she talked about how they used a certain tribe (cheap labour no doubt) to collect the natural products and she had established a store for the native women to learn how to use and shop for Body Shop cosmetics. These native women were beautiful without the Body Shop trying to define that they weren't unless they used certain products. Futhermore...they don't test on animals because they use products that have already been tested on animals by an independent laboratory (thus their claim is actually true, they don't test) and the ingredients are already well-known for their effects. I know this is not an isolated case but since I know it...I just don't shop it. @FadeIntoBlack...your are 100% spot on about authentic Mexican food. Fist Bump! Oh...dang....nevermind...but you are still RIGHT. My brother is hardcore Anti-WalMart. He has never set foot in one and calls the stores "ulitmate evil". He shops Canadian Tire mostly or Zellers instead.
drksoul426's picture
Submitted by drksoul426 on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 22:12
I'm right there with you about the fist bump. I'm anti-anything black ppl did first. I hate when uber white ppl try and do hip things, dont they know they only make themselves look like idiots. My best friends are black and mexicans and they dont do that shit. I love when a white person tries to do that shit, I just stare at him like hes a dumbass and walk away.
TheBookNerd's picture
Submitted by TheBookNerd on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 13:24
Yes. I am anti-blogs. I absolutely refuse to read them. Oh, wait... DAMMIT!!

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