Sunday... That's my fun day...


Shared on Sun, 09/19/2010 - 06:45
Strawberry blond GungirlTM gives
textbook demonstration of
proper trigger discipline...

Saw Mom for a couple of hours last night. I was momentarily dismayed to find that she'd been vomiting all day. She was over it by the time I got there, thank goodness, and she was actually feeling pretty well. Maybe the vomiting might have something to do with the fracked up breakfast served that AM: A cold doughnut. Yes, a doughnut. It never ceases to amaze me how institutions dedicated to healing and getting sick people unsick serve the worst frackin' food this side of Cracker Barrel. (Don't get me wrong. I love Cracker Barrel. But I wouldn't feed that food to hospital or nursing home patients.)


Today's featured Modern Warfare 2 vid is a no killstreaks nuke on Highrise by xQsRz. The second vid is a comparison review between MW2's TAR-21 and the AK-47 by TetraNinja. Moving on...


Featured Modern Warfare 2 Video Nuke, no kill streaks, Highrise by xQsRz
Uploaded 17 September 2010 on UnderratedGamer


Call of Duty Links:


Modern Warfare 2: Weapon Faceoff - TAR-21 vs. AK-47 Review

Uploaded 17 September 2010 by TetraNinja




More Gaming Links:


Halo: Reach - How to properly assassinate by jimmy has game

Uploaded 17 September 2010 on MachinimaRespawn




What would Gordon Freeman do?


Master Le Cosplay: Crysis Nanosuit V1.0
Uploaded 17 September 2010 by MasterLe
Non-Gaming Links:
Truly awesome animatronics - from 3 years ago
Uploaded 17 March 2007 by adyparish


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