Off to the nursing home, Kindle in hand...


Shared on Tue, 09/21/2010 - 07:02
GungirlTM is delighted with her spray 'n' pray
grouping on her upside-down bad guy...

    Saw Mom morning and afternoon yesterday, breaking up the day with a nice chicken wrap lunch at Moroney's Hub. Still can't drink, so the affair was decidedly sober, but a lot of fun nonetheless. Today, Reibo will be holding down the HQ as Bath-Fitters come in to redo the shower, converting an old recessed-wall tub into a shower stall.



    I never did any gaming last night. Instead I did more reading. Since Matt64 turned me into a Kindle fanatic, I've been reading some of the books he already had stored on his old e-reader. I've become a huge fan of the late Stieg Larsson. I greatly enjoyed The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and I'm currently reading The Girl Who Played with Fire. More than gaming, reading seems to distract me better from my current worries, so I'm sticking with that for the moment.

    It was pretty spiffy that Blue posted the link to 2Old2Play's Reach review yesterday. I sometimes submit links I blog to his gaming news site, since it gets a lot more traffic than my personal gaming blog does, and it's some exposure at least. Today's featured Modern Warfare 2 vid is a dual commentary with a real, live CoD-playing girl, PinkRanger206, guesting on ONLYUSEmeBLADE's channel. You can view her other vids (and her picture; yes, she's very attractive) on her own pink-hued YouTube channel. The second vid is a demonstration of the power of the One Man Army perk by BrassMonkeigh, who will be going head-to-head with Fourzerotwo for charity, as noted in the CoD news link below. Give 'im Hell, BrassMonkeigh! Moving on...



Featured Modern Warfare 2 Video PinkRanger206 FFA, Knife Only
Uploaded 17 September 2010 by ONLYUSEmeBLADE


    Call of Duty Links:


The Power of One Man Army by Brass Monkeigh
Uploaded 17 September 2010 on PixelEnemy
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Gears of Bender


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