Shared on Wed, 09/29/2010 - 21:47...how much I adore Zero Punctuation as hosted by The Escapist.
After watching and catching up on the latest reviews there, I've been thinking about game critics. Also about this community and who expresses opinions that we trust.
Underneath his vitrolic, curse-laden, twistedly humorous delivery "Yahtzee" (aka Ben Croshaw) of Zero Punctuation offers some of the best solid game reviewing in the industry currently, at least for me. Even when "Yahtzee" is reviewing a genre he hates/dislikes he still gives points where points are earned and spanks where spanks are deemed necessary. His reviews are amusing to me when I agree but even when I don't I'm usually still laughing myself silly. Usually. I note this is one of my first stops when I'm seeking opinions besides my own about a possible game purchase.
To me, "Yahtzee" is a passionate gamer critic. Foulmouthed and dirty-minded to be sure with a misogynistic tilt to some reviews (yet I sense a level of philogyny and even a level of misandry underneath... to me he is like "Archie Bunker"/misanthrope in his derisive remarks), yet he knows his core audience, how to entertain them and does play the games he reviews to their end or to a reasonable point before opening his mouth. He is honest about his biases and his preferences, so the watcher can take some of the reviews with a grain of salt in relation to his predilections. Despite his celebrity in this area and an impressive verbal swagger, he still seems at his core to remain pretty humble and focused on sharing his honest thoughts without pandering to the gaming companies that attempt to seduce him with swag, trips or praise.
I posit that he can retain his integrity because at the end of the day he stays a gamer first. So now I ask you - is he the only one?
Including those stars in our community, (but besides yourself) what critic do you allow to influence you?
Or to ask related questions: when it comes to game recommendations from the "critics" whom do you trust? Do you check out Zero Punctuation reviews? Think they suck or rock? Who's a better game critic and who should be avoided at all costs? Who is a gem of a critic on our site in your opinion that you reccommend (besides yourself)?
And 10 points to me for using misogyny/philogyny/misandry and misanthrope all at once! :P
Thanks for looking!
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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 11/11/2011 - 02:36
Submitted by AngryJason on Thu, 09/30/2010 - 08:45
Submitted by Fish66 on Thu, 09/30/2010 - 09:19
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 06/22/2011 - 20:12