Home again, home again! Jiggity-jigg!


Shared on Sat, 10/02/2010 - 08:32
GungirlTM Raquel Welch... Awesome!

The meeting this Friday AM was a bit rough, but fortunately it was only a half hour. On the plus side, I don't have to stay Saturday morning, tho I will have to stay late 2 weeks from today (Friday for me as I update this).
But, at least, it's only 2 work days this week, and then I'm off again until next Wednesday. OTOH, there's still a lot of work to be done at the HQ. There's a buttload of stuff still waiting to be tossed out, and ideally, I'd like to get that done before Winter settles in (or Hell freezes over).
While waiting on Pop Wednesday AM, I spent some time setting up the GungirlTM image database on Imgur. (You don't even have to have an account to use it, which is nice.) I heartily recommend this image site to anyone with a need to store images to rip off utilize for websites, etc.
Planning to get some gaming in Saturday after a long dry spell. Matt64, Reibo, and I haven't been able to get together in quite a while, so it should be a real blast! Can't wait!!
Moving on...


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