First Night Almost Done...


Shared on Thu, 10/14/2010 - 02:22
Dressed-for-Success GungirlTM reacts pretty much like the gals on the online dating sites have...


    Thursday is the second night of the rotation; trying to keep things together. I was looking at the November calender... Holy cow, do I have a bunch of stuff scheduled! I've got a trip to the Bronx, a lunch with Roseanne and Carol Ann, Reibo's birthday, Matt's birthday, and Thanksgiving... Doesn't sound like all that much, but when 4-5 days a week are sucked up by a job 100 miles away, it tends to limit your free time.     I haven't heard back about my Sunday meet-up yet, and I confess I'm starting to be a bit nervous...     No Call of Duty news links today, except for a bunch of 'Me, too!' links on the single player trailer. Medal of Honor seems to be taking a critical drubbing; I'm reserving judgment until I actually play it. Since I thought I'd be the only one in my crew playing it, I didn't bother with expedited shipping, so it'll be reaching me prolly next week... Not in any particular hurry, since I have other matters occupying my limited free time. As I blogged yesterday, I'm indulging my Half-life infatuation by trying to plow through the HL2 campaign. Last couple of times, I got stuck around the Ravenholm section... It was too nerve-wracking for my sensitive nature. LOL. Seriously, those black headcrabs and the fast zombies are a brilliant idea, something Valve cooked up specifically to unnerve the player. And that shit works.     Immersion is really important. I my early PC gaming days, playing Quake and Quake 2, I recall ducking out of the way of the computer monitor, as if that would help. ;-) For Half-life, it always seems to work for me. As I blogged yesterday, the only thing that throws me now is the lack of an aim-down-the-sights mechanic. I find myself using it all the time, after so many games of Call of Duty, and I sometimes gelatinize myself by firing the grenade launcher that's the alt-fire on a lot of HL2 weapons.     Moving on...


Featured Call of Duty: World at War Video ThunderToro and ONLYUSEmeBLADE Dual Commentary 
Uploaded 12 October 2010 by ONLYUSEmeBLADE


    Call of Duty Links:


How to Annoy 'People' in Modern Warfare 2


    Non-Gaming Links:


Top 5 Science Conspiracies, Theories, and Hoaxes
teaser for 25th Anniversary


Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Fri, 10/15/2010 - 02:42
No, idea what her name is, but if I find out - I'm calling her! ;-)
buckeye75's picture
Submitted by buckeye75 on Thu, 10/14/2010 - 03:01
Last two posts=awesome gungirl
mac79's picture
Submitted by mac79 on Thu, 10/14/2010 - 09:17
yeah, but i liked today's pic best. what's her name?

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