Shared on Sat, 10/16/2010 - 01:01Quite a bit has been going on. My workload at the job has increased substantially. Though sadly my pay doesn't reflect that...despite getting a raise. $0.50 more an hour to bring me up to a full $10.00.....new tax bracket? Dunno.
With the increased workload is an ass of new stress. We're currently installing a new mailing service system so we can do bulk mail for all our customers that have newsletters and whatnot. There's so much involved its crazy. And even though there are 2 more people who could learn to do it all, guess who gets the responsibility? Me.
While I am trying to look at it as the boss has enough trust in my abilities to get it done right....I'm more looking at it like..the other 2 designers are fucking lazy and don't wanna do it...so they leave it on me. Ontop of the workload I already had.
So my regular customers are having to wait longer on their orders getting filled because I'm stuck trying to get mailing lists set up properly and make sure that when we take stuff to the post office its all neat and tidy. Otherwise we have to redo it.
The big problem with all this is....I don't know what I need to know to do this all right. No one is helping me find the information I need. So when a question comes up...everyone looks at me and I'm like.....call the damn post office and ask. I have no idea at the moment.
So stress stress stress. But only because I don't have the knowledge I need. I'm doing a lot of footwork to rectify that. Hopefully my efforts will be rewarded with another raise or maybe a bonus. We'll see.
On the gaming front...been playing an ass of Halo: Reach of course...isn't everybody? I dunno why, but I love it more than Halo 3. I guess because to me it feels more like Halo 2 did. Just felt right. I dunno how to explain it. I also really love that all the "equipment" is done and gone. Loadouts are the new hotness. Long live the loadouts. My 1 wish though...that you could use them in the campaign. Like start a level...and pick a loadout....or be able to customize them some. But I can understand why they dont do that. Would still be nice though.
Ah well.
Also will be getting back into Mass Effect 2 now that I could actually afford the DLC. I'm gonna save the newest Shadowbroker DLC for after I beat the game though. They always seem to drop the price after I buy it...so Im gonna wait for a deal.
In other news....Julia may be losing her Medicaid coverage. Why? Because she has a life insurance policy that she can cash out and get $11,000 from. So they look at it like "you've got money", even though she's not gonna touch it. Why would she? Its insurance for if she dies......so what the hell?
So anyway. The bad part about it all is if she hits her coverage gap. Which means no coverage period until the next calendar year starts. For a diabetic this could mean death. But oh you've got that nice insurance policy to help you out. Fucking government healthcare bullshit.
Healthcare as a business is just damn sleazy. No offense to those out there who may work in the healthcare industry. But you gotta admit not diagnosing someone with cancer because you don't wanna get stuck with the bill is kinda fucked up. Just a little bit.
Another interesting thing came to pass. An old friend of mine got his head out of his ass and actually apologized for stabbing me in the back like 3 years ago. It was a really odd scenario. Just one day I ran into him in Gamestop....I asked him what he thought about the Transformers movie....and he just looked at me and walked away. I send an email later asking what was up....if there were anything I had done. And I get threats back. So ok....he's off the x-mas list. lol.
Every time we ran into each other through the past few years he always turns and goes in another direction. Alright....fuck you guy. Right?
My sister runs into him at Target....tells her he regrets everything and wants to meet with me to talk about some things. SHOCK. Super shock. So I get his number and we meet up at Fatz for lunch on a sunday afternoon. He pretty much lays it all out and lets me know what was up. Blah blah blah.
Long story short....I forgive him and tell him to forget it. Water under the bridge and we never have to talk about it again. He was a good friend and if I were in his position I would hope for the same treatment. Life's too short to hold grudges over dumb shit. And its all dumb shit.
I did lay something on the table for him though. Don't get me wrong...I forgive and forget. But I'm not gonna be bullshitted either. So I tell him "Look...life is too short. I don't want people around me who are gonna bullshit me. I want real people who are gonna have my back, and I'll have theirs. Life is too short to dick around with people so. Do you want to be my friend or don't you? You are either a friend or not."
He said he would want to if I'd have him back. I said I did....we shook on it and that was that. We spent the following 3 hours in the restaurant bullshitting and scaring the church crowd with our stories of zombies and other nonsensical banter. Good times.
I was glad to have my friend back. That had really been affecting me for a while.
Well...thats all thats been going on with me. I know...a long as novel in the works right? Well...I'll try to update more often so I don't have to write up a novel next time.
Later folks.
- Gatsu OUT!
- Gatsu's blog
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Submitted by doodirock on Sat, 10/16/2010 - 02:59
Submitted by Gatsu on Sat, 10/16/2010 - 04:55
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Sat, 10/16/2010 - 08:20