Shared on Sun, 10/24/2010 - 03:04Well, as this blog entry autoposts, the final night of the rotation is winding down, hopefully. Got some relief from my recent bout with insomnia, as I managed to get 4 solid hours of sleep. Doesn't sound like much, but I've been scraping by on half as much. Got my blood work on Monday. We'll see how things develop, as it's a short week off, and I'm already tired as Hell in advance, but I might have a drink Monday evening to celebrate. (After all, it'll be a done deal, either way, and the results will be in Dr. Anti-House's hands in a week or less.) Nothing to report on the dating front. I'm still 'waiting on a friend', as Mick Jagger once said. You never know how things are going to develop. Life is chock full of surprises, both pleasant and unpleasant. Moving on...
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by Prestige Mode Gaming
- Medal of Honor reviews: VentureBeat; GodisaGeek; Chronicle-Herald; ElderGeek (embedded YouTube);
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam trailer.
- Blizzard unveils custom StarCraft II game types, encourages custom mapping.
- Scientists urge one-way Mars exploration missions. 'Get your ass to Mars!'
- One billion gallons of water found on one crater on the Moon.
- Have your name engraved on a microchip bound for Mars! It's amazing, but things like this still turn me on.
- News Flash from Captain Obvious: 3D HDTVs not selling because of high cost, limited content.
- Engineer control-crashes own vehicle to save a life.
- SyFy greenlights young Adama 'Battlestar' spin-off.
- [Spoiler warning!] Alien prequel script leaks.
- Joker961's blog
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