Shared on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 07:03 The Auto-Ordnance M1 .45 ACP carbine
has a long barrel to go with the GungalTM's
long, stockinged gams!
Missed my beloved Effie yesterday/last night, but it was really good to hang with my brother Reibo and my other brother, Matt!
Had a good gaming night, tho it was a bit overshadowed by worry about the incoming ice storm this AM. And it looks just horrible outside now, snow and freezing rain making things just awful. I'm hoping things clear up by the afternoon so I can visit my Pretty Gal for a while. Moving on...
Featured CoD: Black Ops Video
'First Strike' DLC Preview [Official HD]
Uploaded 16 January 2011 on Call of Duty
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 'First Strike' DLC previews: VGRevolution; DigitalTrends; GameSpy; MMOMFG.
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- SleepyTime Bedtime Calculator. Enter the time you want to wake up alert, and the online calculator will tell you when to fall alseep, based on human sleep cycles.
- Joker961's blog
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