Shared on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 07:11 Mythbusters' GungalTM Kari Byron likes her guns big!
If all has gone well, this has auto-posted while the last work night is winding down. That means I'm just a few hours from rocketing back South to my Pretty Gal's waiting arms!! Lord, I can't wait to see her again!! Moving on...
Featured CoD: Black Ops Video
Bad Situational Awareness, lol
Uploaded 17 January 2011 by WyattsCreed
Call of Duty Links:
- Rumor: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in November. But it's not the developer you expected.
- Call of Duty: Black Ops PC update live. I'd care, but my gaming PC is dead, lol.
Why User-created player cards will not be in future CoD titles...
(Credit: bebo666 on Reddit Black Ops)
More Gaming Links:
- Hell just froze over: Duke Nukem Forever gets actual, real release date.
- Homefront multiplayer preview: Destructoid.
- Homefront dev explains the importance of dedicated servers.
- Blues News has the scoobies on the Crysis 2 trailer and the Xbox Live demo this month.
- Rumor: Sony considering PC-style DRM keys for PS3 games following jailbreak.
- 1Up's Worst Video Game Box Art of 2010.
Non-Gaming Links:
- Betelgeuse won't explode in 2012. Awwwww. No twin suns? Dangit!
- Delta IV heavy lift vehicle launched from Vandenberg.
- Yellowstone has bulged as magma chamber swells. Supervolcano!!
- Nano-tech downside: Carbon nanotubes may mimic asbestos in the lungs.
- Kurzweil: Why IBM's Jeopardy victory matters. I, for one, welcome our beneficent robotic Jeopardy-winning overlords.
- Mindfulness meditation changes brain structure in just 8 weeks.
- YouTube: Adult stem cell treatment restores mobility to injured pilot.
- Joker961's blog
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