Shared on Mon, 02/28/2011 - 02:20 Sniper GungalTM knows how to quick-scope, lol!
Sunday was reunion day for my Sweet Gal and me! We went to celebrate her son and his family's new apartment with a house-warming dinner. It's wonderful to be home with my beloved Effie! It's a busy day for medical issues, as I'm going for a blood test in the AM, in anticipation of my meet with Dr. Anti-House next week, and my Pretty Gal has a doctor's appointment in the afternoon, where I'll likely meet her to be with her while she waits. Moving on...
Music Monday - Wonderful, wonderful
- Blue's News has the scoobies on the bogus Modern Warfare 3 site.
- Already lowering expectations: Modern Warfare 3 sales to be lower than Black Ops. Didn't we see this kind of crap from industry flacks and 'analysts' prior to Black Ops?
More Gaming Links:
- Gears of War 3 delayed until September 2011.
- But the Gears of War 3 beta is hitting in mid-April.
- Crave Online: Killzone 3 - Don't buy it for the single player. Or the multiplayer, either, lol, since some folks are reporting problems with PSN's match-making.
- Crysis 2 multiplayer demo returns to Xbox Live on 1 March 2011.
- Halo: Reach 'Defiant' map pack out on March 15th.
- Twenty things we just learned about Batman: Arkham City.
- Sony hiring for 'anti-piracy' team.
- [Image] Purported Thief 4 screenie in 3rd person.
Non-Gaming Links:
- Some stars may have wormholes at their cores.
- Astronomers identify possible 'planetary birth' for the frist time.
- Intel designs a cable to connect everything to everything. Here's another link on the 'Thunderbolt' cable. Cue the $149.99 Monster Cable version in 3, 2, 1...
- How to grow your own army of citizen-scientists. I, for one, welcome our beneficent citizen-scientist overlords.
- Facebook breaks up with Breakup Notifier, an app which used to alert friends on changes in relationship status.
- [Humor] Man who temporarily disables Facebook deems himself 'off the grid'.
- Joker961's blog
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