Last day off...


Shared on Tue, 03/08/2011 - 05:17
 Air Force GungalTM stands ready with her minigun...

    Last day off before the 4 night rotation away from my beloved! Lord, it's not getting easier to be away from my Sweet Gal for that long! But it's OK since she'll be home waiting for me. When I get back on Sunday, she'll hold me tight, and everything will be OK. I love you, my darling Effie!! I'll be home as soon as I can!!

      So, today, I started working out - modestly, of course. My visit with the implacable Doctor Anti-House left him concerned about my weight loss. He seemed to think I had lost enough weight. I beg to differ, lol. I'll know when I get there. Needless to say, I'm proceeding with caution, being very careful about how I do it. I've actually been eating a bit more than before, adding oh so very gradually to the daily intake.

      Regardless the always fallible Doctor Anti-House was right about one thing: It was time to start toning up a bit. So, I took the plunge and got a membership at Planet Fitness across the river. Started off easy this AM with some treadmill time. I'll break in slowly, being careful to take it easy, so I don't do any damage to my already compromised joints, lol.

      I figure, once the Spring cleaning is under way at the HQ, I can make room for a treadmill here and DX the Planet Fitness membership. I was a gym rat years ago, and the Planet Fitness 'Pick things up and put them down' commercials make me wanna stroke out with their insensitive stereotyping. If Golds's had commercials making fun of yuppie douches who populate Planet Fitness, there'd be outrage a-plenty. Moving on...


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