Dragon Age 2 Review Spoiler Free


Shared on Sun, 03/13/2011 - 10:41

Dragon Age 2 is a very enjoyable action rpg with a Dungeon and Dragons Online where alot of the game takes place one city called Stormreach and the area's around it. You do alot of side quest as you build up for a main quest which makes it feel like a table top Dungeon and Dragons game.


This game really has a DD feel to it but it has a bit of a action game feel to it which is nice but I can see how some people who are hardcore old school rpg fans will be turned off by it but to me it is a nice little change to the game. The speels and skills are once again easy to hotkey to buttons and on the easyer level's you can  play it like a hack and slash action about half the time but there are still hard boss fights which I like but on the harder level's you will need to pause and issue commands alot which is a true sign of a bioware rpg. Soto me the combat and game play is overall just better. Don't get me wrong, I loved origins.

The protagonist now has a voice! (this could be a con for some people.) Nothing wrong with a silent protagonist, but when he has a voice and not just a over the shoulder view of your main character when you talk to people, you just have a better connection with your character.

The new dialogue system. It copies mass effect,  but it works well in this game but my only issue is the icon's. I do not need a icon to tell me if what I am about to say is bad or good. In Dragon Age Origins I know there where more options to pick form however if you played the game over and over again and you pick different ones you will notice that yougot about only three to four reactions form people so it's not a water down but a more saight forward system.


The story (in my opinion). I personally liked Origins story more, but the story is still good and will keep you sucked in until the very end. Since this story is more like a Table top DD gamefeel with all of the side quest helping to lead into a main one it is going to different form the first game. Some overview  here the story has you escaping Lothering with your family during the early events of Dragon Age: Origins and arriving in the city of Kirkwall. From here, your vague primary goal is to make a name for yourself in the region over the ensuing years, rising from freeloading refugee to local champion. The narrative's most extraordinary features aren't in the story it self, but in the element of choice.


Soundtrack. Good music makes anything good, simple as that. Another great score by Inon Zur and the track he did with Florence and the Machine is amazing. I love all of the voice actors in the game are really well done and they help you care about characters you are traveling with. The sound effects are also really well done.


Much better graphics ( if origins bothered you then this will be a plus for you) Everything looks better then this game but that is to be sure that they will make them look better then the last time around. This game may not be able to beat Unchanted 2 graphics but they are very good and is another plus to the game.


If you play this game as intended, a RPG then you will love it. If you play the game with thoughts in mind of comparing it to Origins the natural reaction will be that it doesn't measure up. I disagree totally, DA 2 has all the great things you loved in the first installment of DA, the fact that it doesn't follow the same line is also one of DA 2 great assets. I do like the faster paced combat. When I played DA Origins I did enjoy playing it a few times through, but this time around with DA 2 for my own enjoyment I am playing all three classes in increments and it is like playing three different games, it is awesome. True in Origins you could play the three races and also all of the classes but I didn't get the same feel of playing an entirely different games. Of course in Origins you would be called Elf or Dwarf if not playing the human character and yes you can start the game from varied situations, once the main story started it all was basically the same. This in not true in DA 2 and that is the beauty of DA 2.

So in closing the game has Dungeons and Dragons online / Table top D D feel to it with the way the quest are set up and this make it a true rpg and and a type I have not seen it a long time that has alot of open ends to it. It is well worth the money so pick it up.




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