Shared on Wed, 04/13/2011 - 00:51A couple drinks and a rant: Man, I am glad the weekend if over. It is safe with online friends. I had a unique Sunday. Called in to work on my only day off. Returned home and got ready for my son and me to go to the library to grab books for while he is on break. His mother calls as we are leaving and invites herself to tag along on our errands. Having an ex around is a tiring experience as it is, but she has been on and off at wanting to be together. Yeah, to her I am THAT friend, the one there when she needs help or cheering up and forgotten when the next one comes along. I just help her when she needs a friend; else she is in a bad mood when around my son. Now at the library, I talk with the librarian about getting books for my son’s science field day coming up. Now, I have been digging this librarian for some time and the ex sees this and butts in. I like how Ms. Librarian says, “I’m sorry, and you are?” as we were interrupted. Now the kicker. A friend sees me and comes over to say hi. She has a thing for me (asks to come over to see my place, to be my son’s godmother, etc.), but not quite the other way around (she is about 10 years younger than me). She makes conversation and the ex again gets in her comments on the day as we are speaking. Now I have an ex that is throwing her weight around, a rather creepy 19 year old, and the one girl I want to be around watching me get a migraine. I excused myself and said my thanks to the librarian and bye to the clingy girl, then just walked out with my son. The ex missed the cue to leave and lingered back a bit. Man, Advil had its work cut out for itself that night. Glad the ex only visits about once to twice a month at most. Now, if I came off sounding conceited, sorry. I am far from the best looking guy around, so it is different that I have something like this happen or have a stand off over me. I just help when they ask for help, smile when they want a smile, and listen when they want to talk. Simple stuff, but I guess there is a short supply on decent guys around. I think I prefered getting kicked in the nuts while helping a girl from a bad boyfriend a few weeks back, than to have this happen again.
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Submitted by CrypticCat on Wed, 04/13/2011 - 02:39
Submitted by CrashX27 on Wed, 04/13/2011 - 09:07