Gears 3 Beta Thoughts


Shared on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 14:50

    So, I played the Gears 3 beta last night. I have not played the Gears 1 and 2 MP before so it was all new to me. My Gears experience prior to this has been the campaign and a bit of Horde Mode in Gears 2. Because of this, I am only able to judge the beta on it's own and not compare it to anything else. Here are my initial thoughts.....

First thing, it takes a LOT of bullets to kill someone. I can never seem to kill anyone at any sort of range. Are you even supposed to try to kill people at range or is Gears meant to be all close quarters?? Because honestly, so far in mid-long range battles I feel useless.

Second, the shotguns seem to dominate. That would be fine for me, except when I shoot the fuckinh thing I never get one shot kills whereas it seems the enemy can constantly one shot me. And the sawed-off?? Some dudes absolutely rape with it, I can cant do a damn thing with it.

Is it necessary to commando roll around like a fucking lunatic all game? Some games are complete rollfuckfests. I usually only roll when I need to get out of the way fast but other than that I don't use it.

The executions are awesome. There is nothing quite like the first time you rip some dudes arm off and beat him to death with it. The first time I did it I was losing my shit. It was really cool.

 My only main gripe is that we are limited to 2 maps and only one gametype for the first week. After 3-4 hours last night I was getting sick of TDM. Other than that though I am having fun with the Beta. How is everyone else enjoying it? Are you hardcore Gears people liking it? Is it different than Gears 2?? Let me know what you think, I am curious to see what the hardcore contingent thinks about the beta.

Also, if you have any tips for noobs send them my way. I need all the help I can get.

I also live commentated my first Gears 3 beta game last night. It was an absolute trainwreck. If you enjoy watching that sort of thing, you can watch it below.




Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 15:07
good to hear it hasent changed much lol
pooslza's picture
Submitted by pooslza on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 15:26
is that 2? looks same to me, and yes all doods do is roll and cover bounce, that shit is all you
POWERROB_3000's picture
Submitted by POWERROB_3000 on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 15:30
Well I wont be on the beta till next monday so cant say how much it is the same, however yes gears is a shotgun weilding wall bouncing roll fest. As far as ranged goes I use ranged weapons primarily because I suck with the shotty alaways have, trick is make sure you are exactly that at ranged, dont get in shottie range or you will get dead, when you start shooting try to get as many bullets into the persons head as possible they go down alot faster than all body shots. That being said this is beta and will be alot of balancing done, but it is my understanding so far from some folks that the retro lancer needs alot of work in terms of stopping power. One other thing too I dont know if dedicated servers resolves this issue, but if your using an HDMI cable to connect your xbox to your tv swap it for the VGA/Component cable, one of the DV guys told me once along time ago about the input lag from HDMI added to all the other factors involved in online gaming resulted in shitty multiplayer results and so far it has been true.
buckeye75's picture
Submitted by buckeye75 on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 15:37
I'm not going to be in the beta until next week. But if the shotty is anything like the other Gears games, then there is a sweet spot in the range. The difference between a one shot kill and a useless weapon is about two inches.
POWERROB_3000's picture
Submitted by POWERROB_3000 on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 15:39
"there is a sweet spot in the range. The difference between a one shot kill and a useless weapon is about two inches." Funny how that applies to most things
Xx1Bullet1GunxX's picture
Submitted by Xx1Bullet1GunxX on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 16:21
Shotgun dominating? What a shock. They like to add all these new features to the game to try to lure people away from the cheese that is the shotty, but it's all the same and one sided. If you're good with the shotty and have a great connection then you will dominate! Fun times. Good review.
Snuphy's picture
Submitted by Snuphy on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 16:29
Awesome vid. I can relate. Altho you remembered how to switch weapons about three matches faster.
thebrigade's picture
Submitted by thebrigade on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 21:49
looks like the ranged weapons are still nerfed. is the snipe any good? test that shit out bunny!
seanfletcher's picture
Submitted by seanfletcher on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 21:51
buckeye75 says "there is a sweet spot in the range. The difference between a one shot kill and a useless weapon is about two inches." POWERROB 3000 says: "Funny how that applies to most things" Snuphy says: "I can relate"
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 22:14
What makes Gears, Gears is CQB combat. it's not about sitting back in a corner sniping and shit. If you want to snipe you need to fight to get that sniper rifle and there's only one. One thing that Gears nails is CQB chaos , no game does it lke gears does. You also have to use multiple guns, if you're going to be good at gears you don't run around just shooting your lancer off. You need to controlthe power weapons, quickly switch between yoru weapons and make situations happen to get your kills. It takes more thought and buttons to kill someone in Gears than it does other shooters in my opinion.
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 22:25
Gears is fun played two ways - everyone going full retard on shotty close quarters OR solid teamwork/strategy where you've got a couple players hanging back sniping/team shooting to down and a couple players on close quarter clean-up. The beta maps/gametypes right now will really only highlight the former...
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 23:55
Great vid, you had me laughing thru the whole thing!
DeathByBry's picture
Submitted by DeathByBry on Wed, 04/20/2011 - 09:37
The new sawed off is a great equalizer for those players less skilled in the are of shot gun battles. It is enough to make them competitive but not dominate by any means. Its enough to take a -k/d player and make them about even. At close range it is a definite one shot kill but the at med or longer its more like a bee sting. It is a single shot with a REEEEEAAAAAALLLLL SLOOOOOOOOOOWW reload speed so most people that shoot it off and get a kill will be dead the very next second.

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