Happy Mother's Day!!


Shared on Sun, 05/08/2011 - 01:16
GungalTM has cute ankle sox and a cute AK-74u...

    And the work week is finally just about over!! As this auto-posts on the HQ, the last work night is just about half over, and I'm on the brink of rocketing back to my waiting Pretty Gal!! Lord, I can't wait to go home to her this morning/afternoon!! Effie, I love you, Honey!! I'll be home in a few hours to celebrate our first Mother's Day together!!

Happy Mothers Day!!!
    Today, we celebrate Mother's Day. And it's especially awesome since it will be the first I'll celebrate with my beloved Effie!! Have the Mom Day cards and goodies all stashed away, so I can rocket home tomorrow after work and celebrate with my Sweet Gal!!

    Played a little bit more Call of Duty 4 on my laptop. I finished the Cargo Ship practice run at a lackadaisical 38 seconds, lol. For reference, my best time is 20 secs, with all the time bonuses. And that's 20 secs on both the Xbox 360 with the XIM360 controller and on the PC with exactly the same controller setup. Moving on...


Featured CoD: Black Ops Video

Uploaded 4 May 2011 by awm4




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