The sound of one hand blogging....


Shared on Sun, 05/22/2011 - 04:25
 Scattergun GungalTM shows off her Mossberg pump...

    As this auto-posts on the HQ, I'm at home with my beloved Effie rather than at work, sidelined due to a hand injury! No gaming due to my cut, so I'm pretty much restricted to one-handed typing and blogging! On the plus side, I'm seeing my Pretty Gal more than I had planned, which is definitely a wonderful thing! Our tentative plan for today is to see Thor in 3D. We had caught Tron: Legacy in 3D, and really enjoyed it, so we're hoping Thor will be as good. Moving on...


Featured CoD: Black Ops Video
Uploaded 17 May 2011 by TmarTn
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Bonecollektor's picture
Submitted by Bonecollektor on Mon, 05/23/2011 - 14:16
that is awesome!! ^^^ you never know when there could be a zombie outbreak! LOL!
Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Tue, 05/24/2011 - 03:26
@ Bonecollektor: Like to be prepared, just in case, lol.

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