If everything goes according to plan, both Ebola and I could be representing the older crowd this May at the 2005 E3 convention. If you don’t know, E3 is basically the Mecca of the gaming world. Each year thousands of people flock the L.A to meet for 3 days of gaming bliss. Any and every game developer and hardware manufacture will be there to show off their latest and greatest.
The big stir this year is that Micro$oft will be unveiling their new flagship console, code name Xenon, in front of the lucky few at the convention. Talk of the PS3 has also been noted although many speculate that they will choose another venue as to not compete with the MS lime light. I for one will be mostly focused on all the new games that are in development. Most notably is a new game from Bungie defector and former CEO Alex Seropian called Stubbs the Zombie. This and many of the other hot sequels should be more then enough to keep my gaming addiction fixed.
In any event we just hope 2old2play.com will be there covering all the news from the exhibition floor and feeding it back to you. All we need to do now is make sure the press people at E3 get a good look at our naked bodies as Ebola and I streak the conference floor for shameless promotion. Possibly a 2old2play cheek tattoo is in order? Oh and I don’t mean on my face.
- doodi
In any event we just hope 2old2play.com will be there covering all the news from the exhibition floor and feeding it back to you. All we need to do now is make sure the press people at E3 get a good look at our naked bodies as Ebola and I streak the conference floor for shameless promotion. Possibly a 2old2play cheek tattoo is in order? Oh and I don’t mean on my face.
- doodi