Call of Duty, the Subscription...


Shared on Fri, 06/03/2011 - 00:37
GungalTM wants your stash of Speedstick...

For the rest of the gaming links, please visit Joker961's HQ, since the dreaded forbidden HTML tag thingie is jacking with me again here.

As this vent auto-posts on the HQ, the 2nd night of the dreaded 4-banger work rotation is half done. Once morning rolls around, I'll be halfway home to my beloved Pretty Gal!! Lord, I can't wait to come home to her loving arms!!


As the fan reactions continue rippling thru the Call of Duty universe, here's a neat blog entry on Woot about the paid content issue for CoD. Moving on...


Featured CoD: Black Ops Video

Uploaded 26 May 2011 on FullyClothedMike


Call of Duty Links:
History repeating itself??
(Credit: jayfiz on Reddit Gaming)


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