Today marks the day of days for mature gamers everywhere, for today we embark on a new adventure in the online gaming community. The Grand Opening of the new 2Old2Play website has been marked with excitement, anticipation and joy as we begin our attempt to bring old gamers together. We have much planned for this site so I hope you all will enjoy your stay and keep the requests for new features coming.
I would like to start with a special thanks to all the members out there that sacrificed their time, money and families to help what we hope to be the best mature gamer site on this place we call the World Wide Web. A very special thanks goes to DoodIRock. Without your dedication, efforts, and lack of a real job we would not be here today. DSmooth, you may be one of the biggest geeks I know and I mean that as a fellow geek. Your knowledge and expertise in programming has helped us greatly in the past few weeks. And to the others here that have helped mold this site to what it is today, Thank you. One more very special thank you goes out to Lytis Interactive for allowing the use of their servers to post this great site!
We would also like to thank all the new members to the site. Without members this site would be pointless. We pledge to you a haven where you can be sure to be amongst mature and honest gamers, a place where you can be yourself, a burrow you can call your own. Please feel free to post your suggestions in the proper forum threads for consideration.
Furthermore, I would like to say......GAME ON DORKS!
We would also like to thank all the new members to the site. Without members this site would be pointless. We pledge to you a haven where you can be sure to be amongst mature and honest gamers, a place where you can be yourself, a burrow you can call your own. Please feel free to post your suggestions in the proper forum threads for consideration.
Furthermore, I would like to say......GAME ON DORKS!