Shared on Wed, 09/07/2011 - 05:54GungalTM of the Day
GungalTM isn't down with that whole 'pre-nup' thing...
Back to work and away from my beloved Effie for four long nights!! But we'll get through it okay!! She's home waiting for me, and I can't wait to go home to her sweet smile and loving arms again come Sunday morning!! Effie, baby, I love you!! I'll be home quick as I can!! Moving on...
Featured CoD: Black Ops Video
Uploaded 14 November 2010 on Lionmouth1
Call of Duty Links:
- [Op-ed] Call of Duty Elite doesn't sound totally terrible.
- [Video] Modern Warfare 3 fan-made film 'Operation Kingfish' on ActionTrip.
More Gaming Links:
- Dead Island day 1 patch coming up. Because, if you're a PC player, you might be playing an unfinished build of Dead Island.
- [YouTube] Spoiler warning: All four Dead Island back stories narrated by characters.
- [Video] Battlefield 3 focusing on innovation.
- [Feature] Gears of War 3: Giving players what they signed on for.
- GamaSutra reports on the departure of Halo 4 creative director Ryan Payton. Also covered on IGN.
- GAME and GameStation stop selling old Xbox 360 models.
- [Feature] StarCraft II and the Extinction of Foreign Players.
Non-Gaming Links:
- NASA to launch GRAIL lunar probes to study gravity.
- [YouTube] NASA video about the GRAIL probes.
- [Gallery] The weirdest things the FDA thinks will kill you.
- Scientists find stem cells that tell hair it's time to grow.
- Why men's ring fingers are longer than their index fingers.
- [YouTube] Misconceptions about evolution.
- Sarah Conner? Swiss robotics researches make breakthrough in getting robots to run like humans. And presumably hunt them down and terminate them...
- US 'Snail Mail' on the verge of going broke, shutting down.
- Joker961's blog
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