Shared on Sun, 10/02/2011 - 10:40Nothing much to post this month. Another month of gaming. Still hanging on Reach with friends made off the site. Since joining 2o2p I have been slowly working my way from single player, to co-op, and on the edge to going full multiplayer (with friends of course). I must say though, even during a team slayer match on Reach, I am usually in party chat with friends and joke about the internet or the 80’s most of the game. Probably why my kills are a bit low.
I am still going back a bit in my gaming recently. Played some original Xbox Jet Set Radio Future. Crappy camera control, but still a fun game with good music. After beating that game again, I moved on to one that I shelved a while back and just now getting to play through it. Army of TWO: The 40th Day was an interesting play. Nothing too special, but got my achievements and going through again to pickup things missed. Only played this one single player so far. Heard servers were going down for this one, but have yet to try online modes as of yet. I still like the idea of a campaign with a co-op style feel. Makes you think ahead a bit more on harder settings, especially if the AI partner is a ‘tard. Well, off to pimp out my guns all gold and shoot AIs in the face.
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