And it's off to a bunch of appointments...


Shared on Mon, 10/10/2011 - 04:28
GungalTM of the Day
GungalTM may be wearing a hanky for a skirt, but she knows to keep her finger out of the trigger guard...
    Back home with my honey as we get ready for the big event in just - Gulp! - one week! Mama Joker is going to the doctor for (hopefully) minor surgery, so we'll be dealing with that bright and early. Hopefully, we'll get some wedding-related missions out of the way today, too. If the blogging is sparse the next couple of days, appy-polly-lodges, but real life events may have overtaken me. I'll try to catch up soon. Moving on...
Featured CoD: Black Ops Video

Uploaded 5 June 2011 on Vaszune


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