Had my cake... and ate it, too...


Shared on Tue, 10/11/2011 - 02:27
GungalTM of the Day

GungalTM breaks trigger discipline on her BB gun...



    If this blog auto-posts on the HQ without an accompanying batch of news links, it means that real life events did in fact overtake me yesterday. Sorry for that, but I was just too pooped Sunday evening to do any more blog prep. I pretty much just laid down and passed out. Sunday, my Sweet Gal took a practice run at the wedding cake, and it came out just awesome!! (In fact, it came out awesome enough that I checked my blood sugar Monday morning, lol. It was dead normal at 70.)

      A lot of things can be worrisome about weddings. My Pretty Gal and I saw a lot of that at the bridal expo. The brides-to-be looked pretty dang harassed, even with their weddings months and years off. But rain or shine, cake or no cake, one thing is an immutable Truth: We love each other. And the marriage paperwork and ceremony is just a formality. Effie, my darling, I love you!!! Come Sunday, we're married!! Moving on...


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Uploaded 6 October 2011 on Siggy778


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