2old2play Opens Apparel Shop

That's right guys I finally got around to coding up a shop and getting some gear printed for our members and fans. If you haven't noticed already, you can click on the shirt icon in the left hand navigation to get to the store. At this point, its only one limited edition shirt that we are printing as a test phase. It comes in both black and blue in all the normal sizes. If you guys end up liking the shirt, I'll be rolling out some new ideas in the future. I'm hoping that maybe we can get some good ideas from the people in our forum as to what they might want to see on a shirt or what other Apparel might interest them. For now, please be a patient as we have never done clothing before so it may take us a while to get used to all the initial orders and shipping.

On a side note, I'm hoping that this can be a nice alternative to donation for some people. As I have always said, I hate the idea of someone giving money and not receiving anything in return. At least now you can say you got something for your 2o2p investment. More news to follow.


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