Saturday bright and cooooolllllldddd....


Shared on Sat, 11/12/2011 - 07:52
GungalTM of the Day

GungalTM likes her cargo skirt...


    Wonderful to be able to come home to my beloved Effie a day early!! Had a decent ride home, too, with only a few yawns along the way. I napped for a little bit in the afterlunch, and I definitely crashed hard that night. In between, my wife made an awesome dinner of burgers, fried okra, and sweet potato fries.
   I even managed to play a couple of games of Unreal Tournament 2004, using the Ballistic 2.5 mod. I really, really miss the 'aim down the sights' function of the Call of Duty games. The lack of a reload button is similarly frustrating, lol. But it's gaming, and it satisfied the need to play for a little while until my wife served up our delicious dinner. My Modern Warfare 3 is still in its shrink wrap, lol. But that's all right. No hurry. Matt emailed me that he had already reached level 12 on multiplayer, and that was several days ago, so I expect to hear exciting news about the first prestige pretty soon, lol. Moving on...


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Uploaded 9 November 2011 on iFlyILLINI
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