Quiet Sunday at home...


Shared on Sun, 11/13/2011 - 06:24
GungalTM of the Day

GungalTM protects our coasts with her spiffy M4...


    Wonderful evening last night, as my beloved wife and I took in a penny social in Walden, NY. The prizes were pretty spiffy, tho we didn't win anything of note. I had a sole gripe: The number calling went entirely too, too slowly for our liking. My back was acting up a bit during the last hour, and it was a blessed relief when the last prize was given away.
   We have a birthday party for nieces Hannah and Billie Jo to go this afterlunch, so that will likely occupy most of our afternoon. I'm fighting off a bit of a head cold, so I'm sure some nice birthday cake will remedy it, lol!
   Not much gaming news to take note of. We're having a gaming holiday season, for sure. But no details can be divulged on that, in case a family member sneaks a peek at the blog now and then, lol. If time permits, I'll try to game a bit today or tonight. Then, Missus Joker and I will load up Survivor on the web before bedtime, which has become a ritual of its own for us. Moving on...


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