Last work night before Turkey week off...


Shared on Sat, 11/19/2011 - 16:20
GungalTM of the Day
GungalTM loves her drum-magged LMG...
    As this auto-posts on the HQ, the final work day is here, and I'm anticipating going home to my beloved Effie!! We've had a chance to chat a little on Skype this week, plus we text back and forth like mad, but nothing is as wonderful as being close, holding her tight, and having her in my arms!! Just one more night, and I'll be home with my honey again!! Effie, baby!! I love you!! I'll be home tomorrow!!!
    Got on Toontown for just a little while yesterday afternoon, while I chatted with my honey on Skype. Didn't get much headway on my new black cat, Walter, but I managed to get 'True Friends' hooked up with my wife's black cat, lol. Just one more night, and tomorrow will be extra special, gaming-wise, too. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword should be waiting for us at our local GameStop tomorrow, so I expect we'll have some Wii work to do after we do some reunion hugging and kissing out of the way, lol.
    Didn't play any Unreal Tournament 2004 yesterday. I was just too pooped, lol. I had my morning snack and then, worked on the blog for a bit before crashing hard. I did find the 'reload' control the other day, lol. That's a boon to my mental health, for sure. I'm still looking for umods and skins/models that are compatible with UT 2004 patch 3369. The Darth Vader model/skin I downloaded the other day apparently just doesn't work with that last UT 2K4 patch. I'll keep plugging away, if only to keep some kind of FPS gaming going. Moving on...



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