The chillpill


Shared on Wed, 12/07/2011 - 18:45

 So, what does a gamer do when he cuts down on gaming so severe his Xbox cries bitter tears? Eh, not much. One would think that I would have had profound experiences in the MMO called life by now, but I suck at life. LOL I mean, I live in my sister's basement, come on. Right?

But I also didn't have that black hole experience, where you are absolutely uncertain where to go and what to do next. When I put down the rifle and took to wearing civie-garb I was as lost as a hobo waking up in Newfoundland instead of Miami. It took me a while to realize that I could use my military skills in the world too and I went on to become one of the most brutal taskmasters in Expedition ever, tearing through tempworkers like nothing else, right up till I became disabled. Though I hate not being in full command of my body anymore (next to hating that I landed into dire straights because I defaulted on my contracts while holding shoddy insurances, my own fault), I don't hate the fact that I don't work anymore. I'm almost 50, so even if I hadn't become disabled, my working days were almost over anyway. It's just that the single's cruise for seniors I was planning to take is out of the window. So much for that! XD

And infuriating PP2 has been enjoyable.

At any rate, no revelations, no profound experiences, no backlashy wet dreams of Lara Croft too. (shame)

At one point I cheated and played some Skyrim. In my defense, I had one eye closed and my fingers crossed, so it doesn't count. Though it would have been more legit if I had also quoted King Lear front to back while doing the laundry at the same time. But that would've taken away from living in a basement somewhere. (In a place called Monster. Look it up, no joke.)

My younger sister (the one with the basement) says I should write stories again. It was something I used to do as a teen, so those stories were pretty standard (blood, death, guns and something teenboys think naked women do.), but as I was told by my old teacher back then, my stories actually had the promise of talent. Though I always have had a hard time picturing why someone would need a talent to string words together in a logical fashion, I did come to the conclusion that the art frequently escapes me. That is, I more often cringe at what I just wrote than that I glow at it. If you shudder at the thought of me glowing (trust me, it doesn't attract girls, no matter what magazines tell you), picture me cringing. Uh-huh, I thought so too.

Anyway, women have sense (and senses) men just don't have. The amount of women who pointed that out to me over the last 35 years or so made that clear to me. I'm either a senseless son of a bitch or women don't understand me. ;-) The truth is probably in the middle, but anyway, my sister thinks I shouldn't stop gaming as it is something I just love to do (Okay, she didn't need senses for that observation but she's a girl and girls are always right like that.), but I should combine it with something else I like to do, like writing.

I'm liking the idea, but there are self-important reviewers enough on the internet and I needn't pollute the landscape more with my observations involving a twist on traditional Bethesda bugs, for instance. It's getting old. That wasn't what she meant and I will spare you the tangents she went on, my sister is a professor teaching social sciences at the The Hague University. I'm not exactly stupid (debatable) with my degree from the military academy (they don't just give those away), but I get outsmarted by my Sister, Phd over things like grocery lists on a daily basis. It isn't pretty. Her idea, once I had unraveled the mystery that is my sister's brain, is actually quite fun. I even managed to evade to cleverly hidden trap in her reasoning that would've pegged me to give classes to parents with gaming-kids. Score one for the (be)little(d) guy! I have to think about how go about it all and even if it's doable at all, but think fan-fiction with a twist of sorts. I think I'll have something to share in that respect in a while, but I also don't want to be hasty with it. I haven't written stories in a long time and I know this for sure; writing is a skill, writing a story is an art.


pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Wed, 12/07/2011 - 20:39
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CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Wed, 12/07/2011 - 23:43
A few observations. One - Hah, I knew you couldn't stay away from Skyrim! Despite all it's aggrevations, it is more than just eye candy...admit it. ;) Two - You write well...that is easy enough to tell from your blogs and forum postings. It does take talent to "string together words in a logical fashion" as anyone who read my Alawen story can see the lack thereof. However if my little story has helped inspire you to write something better then I will consider it something more (OK, maybe just a little more) than wasted space. Three - Never fear, you are not the only person with relatives smart enough to make you feel like a retarted third grader. Seriously, we should have a support group.
CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Thu, 12/08/2011 - 01:55
@PP2: You love it. XD @Hun: Writing well is easy enough if you care about what you're writing. Writing a story demands a talent that goes beyond writing, in a story words become more than neatly grouped symbols. It's definately harder than writing this.

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