Shared on Thu, 12/15/2011 - 01:41GungalTM of the Day
Norwegian Army GungalTM does her field exercises...
As this auto-posts on the HQ, the first of four work nights has finally drawn to a close, and I'm crawling into the sack for some shut-eye. I miss my beloved Effie terribly.
But it'll all be all right in just three more nights!! On Sunday, rain, snow, or shine, I'll be on my way home to my Sweet Gal!! Effie, honey, I love you!! I'll be home in just three nights!!
It's the incestuous nature of the net and blogging that sometimes gets things to go viral. When I was gratuitously unemployed, I used to submit links like crazy over on Blue's News, one of the oldest and finest gaming and tech news sites. Blue was nice enough to mention my blog every time he used one of the links, and I always got a charge out of see my little, unassuming blog mentioned on his site. His site, both in spirit and format, is a direct inspiration for my own humble blog. Today, for example, we have linked on the blog an amazing special effects piece for a prospective movie, Goliath. I was impressed by it, and I submitted it to Blue on Wednesday before I took my pre-work nap. Blue made the YouTube video his Link of the Day. I hope the make gets a movie deal, because it looks like a movie I'd love to see, for sure. Moving on...
Featured Modern Warfare 3 Video
Uploaded 12 December 2011 on KevinWasHere8132
Call of Duty Links:
- [Twitter] Robert 'fourzerotwo' Bowling tweets that some surprises are due today on gameplay modes.
- [Previously missed] Modern Warfare 3 Xbox Live update live.
- Modern Warfare 3 PS3 patch is imminent. And this unlimited prestige token glitch (link goes to YouTube video) is something that hopefully gets fixed.
More Gaming Links:
- [Review] Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand on Eurogamer.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic character class guide.
- Alan Wake PC confirmed.
- More Nintendo 3DS 'Ambassador' Gameboy Advance games available tomorrow, including Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap.
- Square Enix members service suspended after server break in.
- [Rumor] Microsoft replaces head Xbox designer.
- [How-to] Building a $1000 gaming PC. First, you get a thousand bucks... Oh.
- [Image] A very Hyrule Christmas.
Non-Gaming Links:
- NASA Curiosity Mars rover gets to work even before it gets there.
- Cambridge University puts Newton's papers online.
- Ladies, stop shaving! Leg hairs prevent bed bug bites.
- [Nano-news] World's smallest steam engine is the size of a fog droplet.
- [YouTube] SF movie Goliath concept trailer allegedly made for $150. Hey, I'd buy that for a dollar!
- Joker961's blog
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Submitted by GUL74 on Thu, 12/15/2011 - 13:27
Submitted by Joker961 on Fri, 12/16/2011 - 01:03
Submitted by GUL74 on Fri, 12/16/2011 - 09:21