Shared on Fri, 01/27/2012 - 00:40GungalTM of the Day
As this auto-posts on the HQ, the second of four nights is over, and the countdown to kissing and hugging my beloved Effie is on!! Just three more nights (kinda) remain till I go home to her loving arms!!! Lord, I can't wait!! Effie, I love you, baby! I'll be home in just two more nights!
I did manage to play some Medal of Honor: Allied Assault on my Windows 7 travel laptop yesterday. Seems it runs just fine on the default 800x600 settings. The game might run at higher resolutions, but it may take some trial and error. I was surprised to find my initial mission failed when I got killed even tho I set the difficulty to 'Easy'. Not coincidentally, the game has a very 'Call of Duty' feel to it, especially the way enemies are only apparently killed, and then get up, all refreshed and perky, and put a dozen bullets in your ass. As noted in the wiki link above, members of 2015, Inc., who developed MoH: AA, went on to found Call of Duty creators Infinity Ward. I'm looking forward to playing the MoH: AA all the way through this time, instead of getting stuck due to an in-game cheat, lol.
I tried in vain to install the original Half-life on my travel laptop the other day. The old Sierra Games version of Half-life just hangs on installing. There may be some way to kludge it, but I haven't found it yet. I do have a copy of Half-life Source, somewhere. I've bought Half-life multiple times over the years, so I might be able to dig up my copy. I might cut to the chase and purchase it yet again on Steam, just to be able to finish that game, finally, after fourteen years, lol. Moving on...
Featured Modern Warfare 3 Video
Uploaded 20 January 2012 on meandeef
Call of Duty Links:
- Tour of the Modern Warfare 3 DLC maps on 1Up.
- [Twitter] fourzerotwo: Fifty percent decrease in rate of fire for all akimbo weapons.
- [Video] Call of Duty Elite trailer on EuroGamer.
More Gaming Links:
- [PC Mods] Half-life Dreamcast available as a Half-life mod for PC.
- Steam Android and iOS app goes live.
- Mass Effect 3 DLC included with new art book.
- [Video Feature] Star Wars: The Old Republic's dumbest glitches.
- [Op-Ed] Curse of the mute and invisible protagonist.
- [Image] Replica prop of Mehunes' Razor from Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. (Image link credit: Scuurvy on Reddit Gaming.)
- [Image] Zelda Master Sword replica prop.
- [YouTube] Zombie bowling in Half-life 2's Ravenholm.
- [YouTube] Princess Zelda model and Half-life 2.
Non-Gaming Links:
- Astronomy Picture of the Day: Saturn's Hexagon.
- Scientists discover new type of giant planet that could hold life.
- Russia and NASA plan to colonize the Moon.
- Cambridge team uses OLED screen to power cell phone.
- Can a mathematical model explain serial killer patterns?
- Ancient popcorn discovered in Peru.
- [Life Hack] Unwrap your soap to get it to last longer.
- [Video] Canadian teenagers send 'Lego-naut' into space.
- R.I.P. , Dick Tufeld, voice of The Robot from Lost in Space.
- Joker961's blog
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Submitted by Trashguy on Fri, 01/27/2012 - 04:42
Submitted by Joker961 on Sat, 01/28/2012 - 00:45