Shared on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 09:33GungalTM of the Day
Have to head back to work tonight for a three night rotation, and I'm hoping and praying my work week goes quick! My gal and I had a wonderful week together, despite sickness in the family and work intruding on the really more important cuddling and kissing we like to do. ;-)
Today is the First of February, 2012. February was named for a Roman ritual of purification, Februa. But, of course, February is best known for Valentine's Day. Getting down to the wire for Valentine's Day, lol! Moving on...
Featured MW3 Booster Buster Video
Uploaded 24 January 2012 on WayneWexford
Call of Duty Links:
- Amazon discounts Modern Warfare 3 Xbox bundles.
- [YouTube] Bonus MW3 booster busting video uploaded 26 January 2012 by Gavzification.
More Gaming Links:
- [Video] Mass Effect 3 'Special Forces' trailer on EvilAvatar.
- Sony announces Playstation Vita 3G memory card bundle. Also covered on GameSpot.
- Video game hardware sales, 2011: PS3 and Xbox 360 both sell 11 million.
- THQ exiting 'kids game business'. Maybe related:
- THQ financial results due to be released tomorrow.
- [Feature] How BioWare writes a Mass Effect game.
- [Dorkly] The fifteen most frustrating situations in video games.
- [Images] Home-made Portal Materials Science tee shirt. (Original image link credit: Muffin_Truck on Reddit Gaming.)
- [Images] Sexy Samus Aran (NES version) cosplay.
- [Images] Bioshock Elizabeth cosplay.
Non-Gaming Links:
- Kepler telescope finds eleven new planetary systems.
- [Image] Europe at night, seen from the International Space Station.
- Arsenic based life does not exist after all.
- How work tells muscles to grow.
- Girl eats nothing but chicken McNuggets for fifteen years. Ewwwwwww! Icky.
- [Lists] Heinlein's predictions for the year 2000.
- [Guns] Starbucks 'buy'cott gaining steam.
- A 19 image gungal gallery.
- Joker961's blog
- Log in or register to post comments
Submitted by GUL74 on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 13:25
Submitted by Joker961 on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 00:41
Submitted by GUL74 on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 01:50