playing the waiting game


Shared on Thu, 02/09/2012 - 04:58

so i tried one of my beers last night after chilling it for about an hour. unfortunately, its still green. its gonna take at least another week or to to get to its full potential. it does have a slight off flavor, but ive read it should go away in time. when i poured it into the glass, there was little carbonation. so im starting to wonder if i made the right priming solution. i guess only time will tell.....

in the near future, i plan on getting a couple of more ingredient kits, annother fermenter, and more bottles. gotta get the pipeline started!



Snuphy's picture
Submitted by Snuphy on Thu, 02/09/2012 - 11:38
Waiting sucks. The only thing that makes it suck less is brewing more beer. But it sounds like you’ve already figured that out.
bi9_ca7's picture
Submitted by bi9_ca7 on Sat, 02/11/2012 - 09:48
yea, im waiting on the refund check to get more gear and start the pipeline. after i had the first bottle, i was drinking an anchor steam and realized it tasted similar to what i made. with the exception of a little extra sweetness in the hb. so i think its gonna be great in a couple more days!
TKBosss's picture
Submitted by TKBosss on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 13:36
Well as for your parents planning your future. It really depends on how it goes. If it goes poorly, you might as well be dating Hitler. If it goes well, then they may think differently. That's what parents do!!!!! I just traded borderlands, as I thought everyone quit playing it. Good Luck though. I burn or I'm pasty white all the time, and live in Florida. It's the Scottish!!!!!
Snuphy's picture
Submitted by Snuphy on Sun, 02/12/2012 - 12:55
Congrats. And good luck. 'Cause your wife may never understand why you bought 3 refridgerators, and why you might stilln need a 4th.

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