Shared on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 03:33O.K. We're now done with the primary weapons. If you missed any of these, just go back to blogs 6-10 and they'll be waiting for you. On a side note, I have never really used the LMG class in the past because I never liked the lack of mobility it gave you, but I've found that on certain maps they're actually quite fun and easy to use.
Today we're going over the secondary weapons. I know most of them seem easy enough to figure out, but there are some subtle differences between them and which ones are better for certain situations.
We'll begin with the Machine Pistols:
1.)FMG9- If you don't know this by now, you've probably been rip van winkled for a while. This is probably the most powerful secondary weapon in the game when it is used with the akimbo attachment. Even though the weapon has little to no power, that has no bearing on its effectiveness. It has such a high rate of fire that anything even close to its range will find itself dead rather quickly. They've nerfed this gun, but you wouldn't know it when you use it. This weapon is so deadly when you run it in conjunction with a steady aim class based set-up (SMGs/Shotties) it almost isn't fair. This weapon is a one clip juggernaut killer. Seriously. This weapon is the fastest way to kill a juggernaut. Just get behind one and let loose and he'll be down by the end of your clips. Now, on the flip side, using this gun as a singleton, is next to useless. The kick is rediculous and you'll have a hard time aiming down the sight for anything. Just get it to akimbo and forget about the other stuff. THE THING TO REMEMBER ABOUT THIS GUN IS that it has a poor reload rate and it has a funny unlock animation the first time you pull it out. You can mitigate this by pulling it out first thing when you spawn so when you need it you don't have to wait for that animation. remember to reload it in cover.
2.)MP9- This is the most controllable of the machine pistols. You can use it akimbo, but it really isn't as good as the other Machine Pistols when used this way. I use it for my back up weapon on my sniper classes. This is because it is essentially a mini-SMG. it doesn't have the power of an smg, but it will save your bacon in the medium to short range encounters from time to time. This doesn't mean I won't abandon it as soon as possible for an enemy weapon, but for a starting set-up, you could do worse. The kick on this weapon is pretty light, so it can be super accurate. Just remember to take cover when using it. This is not a run out into the open weapon.
3.)SKORPION- This is a good mix of the first two weapons. It has a better fire rate than the MP9 and more damage than the FMG9, so it is almost a hybrid of the two. You can run with it akimbo, which isn't a bad thing, or you could use it as a singleton weapon. The only problem with using it as a singleton is it does have some kick to it. It isn't totally uncontrolable like the FMG9, but it is worse than the MP9.
4.)G18- These are like mini-FMG9s. Everything the FMG9s do, this thing does as well. The biggest and most important difference between the two is the G18 has a smaller clip. You'll be reloading a lot more with this weapon, and you don't really want to be on reload a lot when you're running a weapon akimbo (which is the only way you should run this weapon). The positive differences are, the reload rate is much quicker and there is no animation the first time you switch to this weapon. These are not really big positives, and the fixes for the FMG9s make these small improvements not much. I'd go with the FMG9s any day and twice on Sunday.
Now we'll go into the Handguns, but before we begin, I'd say aside from a couple of weapon being used akimbo, most of these weapons would shine more if you're playing hardcore than playing any regular gametype. We'll discuss which ones those are when we get to them.
1.)USP.45 and the P99- Why there are two handguns with the same stats and essentially the same properties in this game I'll never know. They're both starting weapons. One has a slightly larger clip and the other has a slightly quicker reload. I forget which do which but that's because it doesn't really matter. They're both crap weapons and would be much better off left to playing with in Hardcore gametypes. The reason I'd chose Handguns over launchers and machine pistols is because of ammo issues. The handguns are all controllable semi-auto weapon, and in hardcore, I like to know how many rounds I have left. With killing shots in hardcore with a silenced pistol only one or two shots, these weapons are perfect for hardcore, but otherwise, stay away from them.
2.)MP412- This is a little snub nosed revolver. You should probably try using it in hardcore for those first few kills until you unlock the tac knife or akimbo set up. This gun has the same stats as the Deagle but doesn't have as much ammo and takes much longer to reload. Because of its lack of a silencer, after you get those first few kills with it in hardcore, you should focus on using it in regular games. With tac knife this gun can actually be quite fun.
3.).44 MAGNUM- This is the most accurate handgun. I think you should always use it in regular games and run it with tac knife on certain speedy classes that specialize in things like CTF. This is because many times you'll be firced to quick knife people in those gametypes, and with this weapon and tac knife, you can recover pretty quickly and still have the ability to shoot at a distance. This is real specialized though, so I'm not really encouraging anyone to go out of their way to use it.
4.)FIVE SEVEN- This is the best handgun. It has the largest clip and also has the quickest reload time. Running it akimbo is like running the MP9 akimbo with the added benefit of super quick reloads. That is because this gun has no reload animation to speak of. When you hit the X button, this gun is already reloaded. You don't have to wait for the animation to continue like you do every other weapon in this game. With this gun, you can hit X and then run or hit YY to immediately make this weapon ready to fire again. This is a big thing! Don't underestimate it. You could use this gun in hardcore and regular games equally well, and I suggest you do so. No other handgun is as good.
5.)DESERT EAGLE- This is essentially the "best gun" in the hand gun class, but in reality, as I told you last gun, it isn't. It is really just a glorified MP412 with a bit more ammo in the clip and a shorter reload. Those things are fine...But is it really worth it? Not really.
So we're done with handguns and now we're off to do the Launchers. Just to make sure everyone knows, shooting down or eliminating ground killstreaks are counted just like kills. So shoot stuff down when yuou get a chance. Now, you don't want to waste a first perk by having the whole team run blind eye. There are other, more useful perks your team can use than blind eye. So have a back-up blind eye kill class set up with a launcher to use so when you respawn you switch classes and blow that chopper out of the sky.
1.)SMAW- This weapon isn't really as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It is versatile, and I like versatility in my weapons. This thing can lock onto vehicles and can also free fire. The downside it you only get to use it once. It is good for free firing into massed enemies taking on a dom point, or a group of people camping out a certain area.
2.)JAVELIN- This thing is fun. It isn't free fire, but you aren't limited to shooting at vehicles only. It has a super impressive blast radius, which is just as large as a predator missle's one. The downside to this is this weapon has an incredible lone lock on time, so when you're aiming, you're a sitting duck. It also only has one shot in it, so use it as a shoot and forget weapon. Used right this weapon can get you numerous multi-kills.
3.)STINGER- This is the quintessential air defense weapon. many air support streaks have chaff they can pop off on the first missle out of a launcher. This means many time the first missle will miss and the second will have to be the one to kill the streak. I suggest running a trophy system with this class. Put the trophy down, and then start shooting at the streak. This is because often the person controlling that reaper will see your missle, where it came from, and shoot one of his own missles at you so he'll kill you before you can kill his killstreak. Don't let him do this. Use that trophy. The only downside to this weapon is it isn't free fire or free lock on. It can only be used on vehicles
4.)XM 25- This weapon is about as average as it gets. It excells in Hardcore games where you can just pick a spot and spam explosives at it until you run out of ammo. In regular games you might as well just run with it and aim at the feet of the guy you're shooting at. It will usually take anywhere between 2 to 3 shots to kill someone unless you get a direct hit. Is fun to use, and in theory it should be awesome, but in reality it blows.
5.)M320 GLM- This is just a noob tube. It has two shots in it, just like the noob tube attachment on your weapon, and boths shots have as much power as the one in your weapon. It is a waste of a secondary and no one should use it, not even in hardcore, where it would fare better. There are just too many better options.
6.)RPG-7- This is the behemoth launcher. It is super inaacurate and doesn't have the vehicle lock on ability, but in recompense for the loss of both those abilities, the weapon has 2 shots in it. Just pick a general area (the closer to it you are, the better) and let fly. You're bound to kill someone (maybe even yourself). I like this. It's nice to run into a group of people and see them freak out as I suicide rush the position with my RPG. Some will stay and try to kill me, but the smarter ones generally run away. They know that in an enclosed area nothing is as devastating as the RPG
So we're done with secondary weapons. Tomorrow we'll be going over the equipments, lethal and tactical. Once again, any questions, leave them in the comment area and I'll answer in the next blog or in the comment area itself.
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Submitted by bi9_ca7 on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 04:33
Submitted by Fetal on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 05:41
Submitted by bi9_ca7 on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 10:19
Submitted by SniperT1 on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 13:44
Submitted by Maxxie on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 13:53